Book rec and some rambling ^_^

Oct 29, 2013 22:14

I'm going to college now which means I have to take the subway every day - it takes about half an hour, often more, and since I have to go there up to three times a day, it's not unusual for me to spend about three hours a day just riding the subway. (Okay, this shocks even me xD )
Thankfully, I found a great way to pass my time: Reading e-books! I installed a free e-book app on my smartphone, so now I can simply download and read e-books wherever I am. And although I do other things on the subway as well, I've already finished one book, and it's just the start of my second college week!
So all that subway riding has a good side, after all: I have much time to read! :D

Why am I telling you this?
Well, simply because I think this book I just read deserves a recommendation! ^_^

It's called "Slide" by Garret Leigh, and it's a m/m romance novel. Quite a dramatic one, too - the protagonists Ash and Pete, especially Ash, have to deal with lots of psychological stuff. The book is angsty, yes, but not melodramatic. And emotional, but not cheesy. Besides, I love the characters, all of them, but in the first place of course the main characters. They all have flaws, everyone is a little crazy, but that makes them even more likeable and more believable. It's definitely an original storyline, and the relationship is far from clichee as well. There are no whiny or weak characters in this story, which I appreciate more than I can say - as well as the fact that it's not some PWP with a stupid story built around it, but instead a strong story with some lemons here and there (don't worry, there ARE enough lemons to satisfy a fangirl's needs ;D ).

Well... what else is there to say? Just have a look at it, maybe get a free reading sample, and if you don't have an e-book, simply download the free e-book-app in the appstore (for Android) or via amazon (for PCs).

Have fun! ;)

(And if you know any good e-books, tell me!! Because now I'm searching kind of desperately for more... and I've become quite picky in my choice of books recently :'D I'd love to read some German e-books for a change, but from my experience, most of them are bad, in form as well as in content ;_; )

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