"The Great Gatsby" - Mini movie review

May 20, 2013 14:46

I just stopped by to let you all know that I watched "The Great Gatsby" yesterday - and that it was a really great movie!
I'm sure you already heard about it, so I won't go into detail concerning the plot.
Of course I could go on and on about the storyline that didn't get boring for even a second, about the different characters, the good actors (Leonardo di Caprio!), the music and the emotions, but I'll spare you all that today ;)

First of all, the 3D was really well done and pleasing to the eye. I don't know about you, but I love 3D - if it's well done. And there were even some breathtaking effects that made me kind of dizzy (e.g. when the camera "fell down" from a high New York skyscraper unto the busy street - that was a real rollercoaster feeling, I tell you!).

Another thing that is probably worth mentioning is how much I had to cry in the end. And it wasn't only me - half of the cinema room was sniffling. Yes, this movie is really something for the heart. It's not overly tragic or melodramatic or cheesy, but it definitely pulls on one's heartstrings (except you're a cold ice block as my parents, who didn't shed even one tear! Unbelievable!).

Ah and last but not least, I couldn't help but hope that Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby would become a couple. Well, of course I didn't really believe that they would, but a girl can dream, right? They would have been so cute together! And I mean, just look at how they smile at each other! That has to be more than friendship! Okay, I admit it, I'm a bit crazy. :D

So all in all: A definite recommendation for you! If you haven't already watched the movie, go ahead, you won't regret it. :)

crazy random stuff, reviews

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