Awi vs. Munich… a month later

Jul 24, 2007 15:08

Ok, a month has passed and I lost all the weight I gained in my stay in Munich. Now I can review May and June.

1) How can German weather afflict the beauty of a girl (maybe “beauty” is not the right  word if we talk about me, but…).

I spend two months having the most awful hair I’ve ever had in my life. The limestone in water made my hair frizzy and unarranged. You can wear the finest dressed and have the nicest makeup, but messy hair can damage the whole effect! But (there is always a “but” in everyone’s life)… cold weather helps. Relaxed face with few spots.

2) WOW!!! Crochet can help a girl’s social life.

Simpleisgood is right when she says that it’s a typical activity performed by grannies who are at least 800 years old.

But…. (another “but”…) it allows one to create a lot of decorative things from a wire. It allows one to attend “knitting Sundays” and meet a lot of smart people. Doilies are appreciated by gentle and kind people and, unfortunately, by wannabe-macho guys too L

3) “Dancing: The vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music.” (G.B. Shaw) [*].

I partially disagree. I mean… it’s a vertical expression if you desire that someone you’re dancing with. On the contrary, if that someone is not the object of your lust, it’s only funny dancing.

4) The existence of “manpollo”s

A manpollo is the crossbred between a person (man… even if it is not the right word, as you will read below) and a chicken (pollo).

The chicken runs up and down the farmyard in order not to be taken.

The manpollo behaves the same, even if he barely knows a girl who seems to be longing for a serious relationship.

5) Be careful what you wish for! The other people will have it, and your plate will be empty.

[*] there is something I cannot understand. Why this kind of desire should be only horizontal? And why this desire has to be legalized? maybe some fantasies are about something which maybe is forbidden in some remote US states, but...

random thoughts

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