Chances are, they're from
here. I had a phase. Definitions included for your convenience!
deoppilate"To free from obstructions; to clear a passage through"
emption"the act of purchasing"
geogelerec.1100, iugulere "jester, buffoon," also "wizard, sorcerer,"
sanctanimity"holiness of mind"
Using another language was also a phase.
abaddon_kakosGreek: "evil destroyer"
abyssus_puellaLatin: "hell girl"
acedia_peccoLatin: "sloth sin"
bambola_canto Italian: "singing doll"
diaboliqueange French: "evil angel"
genes_de_lange French: "genes of the angel"
hemeguru Japanese: "to travel about"
hooemi Japanese: "a smile"
korrekte_puppe German: "proper doll"
lesangasouille French: "bloodstained"
metanoia_ennea monsieur_piege French: "Mr. Trap"
neid_von_neuem German: "envy again"
nouvelle_rose French: "new rose"
o_magicosanctus_vocis Latin: "holy voice"
uso_to_gishinJapanese: "lies and ___