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Jan 02, 2005 16:12

I went to a John Mayer show in New York City. But it was an unfuckingbelievable blues show. INSANE.


So, first day, my mom get to the city at like 2:30 or something. of course no parking signs everywhere, blah blah blah, so we get in line at like 4:00. We wait, standing up (we had nothing to sit on), while it was snowing (my mom loves that part of the story) until 6:45. During this time I'm in my Converses and my  feet are freezing and we see Mayer leave soundcheck and lots of people went all teenie, it was quite funny.  Then we go inside and stand around for a while (we were like 4 rows back a little to the left) and wait until like 8:45 I think, I don't quite remember, when the opener Corey Harris came on. He was pretty good. Then John comes on at like 10. OH. MY. GOD. He was insane. Seriously, I can't describe it. He's the reincarnation of Hendrix, I swear. Like he can play Buddy, and Stevie amazingly, but when he plays Jimi, he just goes insane. He played over his head, on the floor, even on the microphone stand (note: see photo DSCN0489). It was crazy.

Afterwards I kept stumbling on my words and I was like in shock. Not that I didn't expect it, because of course I did, but because it was the best thing I had ever seen in my entire life. So yeah, I go outside, and who do I see? Lauren! and she was talking on the phone with Becky. It was amusing, because it was like I kind of talked to both of them. Ha. Anyways, amazing concert.

Next night. I get there at 11 AM, and was 5th or something in line. This time I was prepared and got to sit down. That made a very big difference. And in the morning we saw these guys walking in and they said they were making a dvd. We weren't getting our hopes up, because it wasn't clear, but it was exciting. Anyways so I just stayed in line all day. My mom went and walked around a lot, because she couldn't stand sitting all day, and brought back food and stuff. We saw Mayer go into soundcheck, and there weren't as many teenies because he was going in not out so it was early. He was like "What's up!" and then of course Ken Healy whisked him in as usual. Later, three of us went down into this stairwell and listened to soundcheck. It was really fun.  We were like "ooh! hes playing Clapton! Now, Stevie Ray Vaughan! oh! It's Buddy!" It was great.

Then when The Mayer came out of soundcheck there were quite a few more teenies and he signed autographs as he made his way to his car, which I thought was very nice. I was close enough, unfortunately, being that I was near the beginning of the line, but it was all good. People went crazy with the cameras though. They looked like paparazzi with all the flashes. And one girl started to cry when he walked by. A little blonde girl around 17 years old. Kind of amusing. So anyways, we wait around.
And as we wait we see this woman post a sign that says "You will be taped..." etc, which basically meant that they are making a DVD of the second night. woo! Yeah, so the second night was amazing again. And I was FRONT ROW a little to the left. It was so so so amazing. I was filmed a lot, which is probably a bad thing, but oh well. Then when it was over, I went to the stage and was like, "hey, i see a pick, can you give it to me?" and then the guy ignored me and then another guy on stage saw it and gave it to someone else. I was pissed, but not so much because I was like ahh! I can't believe I just witnessed that. ha. So I went outside and hung out for a while. I saw Lauren again and I met Jill and saw Dela, JJ and Kevin standing outside their van. Dela is adorable. I didn't meet him, but he was really amusing. hah. Those shows were soo amazing.

Anyways, those stories were way too long and kind of confusing, but I hope you got the jist. Anyways, in my pictures, the reason that there are so few pictures of the 12/29 show is that I couldn't use my flash because of the DVD since i was front row and I tried taking one but it was blurry so I made  lots of movies. They have no sound unfortunately, but they are still really cool. The few pictures I have are because I turned my flash on for a bit. Heh, I'm baaad.

yeah, sorry if that's worded oddly, i posted it somewhere else. anyways, i know everyone is gonna be like, yeah whatever, he sucks and she obsessed. Well, I'm actually not obsessed and he's actually insane on guitar. When I get the recording, I'll send anyone who is wondering some songs. it was crazy.

On another note, I love New York City. Everything about it is great. Like I'm walking down the street and there is this guys selling TONS of records for cheap. So, I got a Led Zeppelin album. It was in great shape, and it's really good.

yeah, all for now.
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