The Short End Of The Stick

Jul 15, 2009 05:32

I wrote this a while back to inform my family & friends what had been going on in my life since I moved away.

So for everyone who didn’t know, I moved to Arizona on 9/20/08. It was a planned ‘one week’ visit. I also brought my dog ‘Deimos’ In the 4 months I’ve been here, My boyfriends parents have asked me to get rid of my dog, then soon changing there minds about it. ‘you can keep him / now you cant’ Its really annoying. Anyway, Recently many events have happened and made the outcome once more ‘get rid of your dog’ So I decided I wanted to write about the events.

Earlier in the time of my dog being here, he was not trained to learn ‘Down!’ and would jump up on people when he would get excited. He would jump up on the 6 year old when she went into the backyard. Dearing that time the child’s father was trying to get custody of her, and claimed there was ‘Dangerous dogs’ in the backyard. (keep in mind there were 2 dogs back there)

My boyfriend agreed to take drive the dog half way back to Cali where he would meet my mother. My grandmother gave my mother money for gas to go and drive to pick my dog up. (this is when gas was like 5$ a gallon. Car got like 25-30 miles per gallon) I called my mother on our planned day to leave to drive, and she had told me her boyfriend stole the money, and wouldn’t give it to her.

So my boyfriend called his grandfather and asked him if he wanted my dog. He said he would take the dog and see how it went from there. We drove the dog 2 hours away. We were going stay the night there and when we called my boyfriends parents to check in, they told me something along the lines of ‘you didn’t have to take him there..’ I told them to talk and if they were both okay with my dog living in there backyard then we would bring him back with us the next day.

The next day, his mother and father told me that the dog was the only thing I had left in life. They told me to bring the dog back ‘home’ with me.

On our way home his mother called and said ‘we will see how it works out’ (( with the dogs )) and explained that her fathers dog would also be coming to live with us in a few weeks. Due to the fact that her father would not be able to keep the dog in the new apartment he was living in.

About a week latter we talked about the new dog coming to live with the family. The dogs name was ‘Shorty’ They told me he was allergic to grass ((poor dog >.<)) That when he use to come and visit he would only spend about 3 hours a day in the backyard.

A few weeks later. I was asleep inside my boyfriend’s room when I herd his younger brother yell “ Kick his ass dad ! ” outside the door, as he ran past. I got up and could hear people yelling. I decided it would be best if I stayed inside my room until someone came to get me. (( If I had to do with my dog, you would think they would come get me right? WRONG.)) A few hours later my boyfriends sister came into the room.

She told me my dog ‘attacked’ Shorty. Then she told me Deimos was gonna have to leave.

Okay 1st off. You don’t introduce dogs on there ‘territory.’ secondly, it was DARK. It wasn’t even light outside! They were not introduced properly. Yet they are going to blame the dog. YES I feel Deimos is slightly to blame. But, come on, all he was doing was ‘BEING A DOG.’!

I told his parents, that I didn’t know how I was going to get Deimos back because my mom and her boyfriend were both in jail at the time. The mother and Sister suggested I get a new puppy to ‘replace’ Deimos. After a few more weeks my mothers boyfriend got out of jail, and I asked him if he wanted the dog, he said he did but he didn’t have any money to drive and come get him at the time. So I told my boyfriends parents they would have to wait till he got paid.

They told me, I didn’t have to get rid of my dog. The reason was because, ‘Shorty’ was an indoor dog, and he didn’t necessary need to go outside. ((only for walks so he can use the restroom, and that they could walk him out front instead of the backyard.))

One day Deimos slipped threw the back door and ‘chased’ Shorty threw the house, Shorty ran and hid under a desk in someone’s room. Deimos simply sniffed Shorty and didn’t show any signs of wanting to attack or hurt Shorty at all. Although Shorty on the other hand. Growled and snapped at Deimos. I started to feel my dog ‘attacking’ Shorty the 1st time, wasn’t really what happened.

As soon as Shorty arrived you could tell he was not a friendly dog. He would bite you if you tried to pet him, he would growl and follow you down the hall, until you closed the door on him. Many people in the house felt they had to worry about being bit, when they came home from work. (or home at all)

I suggested we build dog kennels in the back yard, So we could put Deimos in a kennel while Shorty was in the bark yard for 3 hours a day, they turned down my idea. (( and this way we could put away the ‘Dangerous dogs’ while the 5 year old is in the backyard.))

After a while the Father of the house had the last straw with Shorty trying to bite & growling at him. So He threw the dog into the backyard. The father being angry about Shorty trying to bite him chased Shorty with a shovel around the backyard and tried to encourage Deimos to attack the other dog.

The dogs seemed fine for the most part. Expect when certain people went into the backyard and only gave ONE dog attention. They would ALL (all 3 dogs) get into little scuffles. My boyfriends mother is ((for the most part is blind)) and cant tell which dog starts the fights, so she’s always pointed fingers at Deimos.

Although… about a week later, my boyfriend and his bother were outside. Where they saw Shorty attack Deimos when he was licking an empty dog bowl. My boyfriend woke me up laughing about how Deimos grabbed Shorty by the neck and “Rubbed him on the ground like an eraser” After Shorty attacked him.

It turned out that my boyfriends brother had taken the other dog food bowls and put them both on one bowl that Deimos was licking. (since he was licking an empty bowl) So Shorty felt Deimos had just taken BOTH dog bowls. Which probably encouraged Shorty to attack Deimos. Now Deimos knows he can ‘Own’ Shorty. Shorty had some patches of hair missing, Which worried my boyfriends mother.

It seemed dogs fights broke more and more as the days past. My dog always coming out on top. Once again my boyfriends mother asked me to get rid of Deimos.

My boyfriends mother, and his sister and I, all sat down one day to talk. They explained that they went to the pet store and asked if there was anyway to control the dogs when they fight. The man suggested 3 things.

A shock collar
Fix Deimos
Re home Deimos

But the man also explained why he didn’t suggest Using a shock collar, he said if we shock Deimos it might make him more angry rather then stop the fight. He told them that if we fixed Deimos it may calm him down, then he said, ‘ A male pit will NEVER get along with another male dog of any kind.’ Which left us with the ‘Re home’ the dog option.

They asked me “So what do you think?” I asked if we could try to fix Deimos, and give the dogs more time apart. The mother said no. Due to the fact the pet store man said a pit will never get along with another male dog. So again they asked what I thought and had to say about it all. I simply said. “I don’t have a choice.” ((about getting rid of Deimos))

So I was a little sad about having to re home Deimos. That night my boyfriend told me that His father had ‘made a joke’ about me being able to keep one of my dogs puppies. I got really excited, if I had to give Deimos away, I could still keep a bit of him with me at all times. One of his lovely puppies. Of course I decided I wanted to keep one of the females so the ‘male pit wont get along with another male’ thing wouldn’t be put into effect again. A few nights later My boyfriends sister said “Can I get rid of all the puppies yet?” and the parents told her okay, she started to call people to re home the puppies, I asked my boyfriend to go ask his parents again if I could keep one.

He came back and hour later with a “No,” the reason? “Because they are half pit bull”

This pissed me off. I hate this family’s view on dogs. Its annoying. The Father feels you should strike fear into the dogs and force them to listen. ((even if this means hanging the dog from a tree till its almost dead, then cutting the rope)) They only like PURE bread dogs. Dogs that are ‘Smart’ They tell me that Deimos is a STUPID dog all the time. And when they told me I could get a puppy (( the 1st time)) They told me to get a ‘Smart’ dog. I hate people who are ‘scared’ of Deimos because he’s a ‘Pit’

So, the turn out?
We currently, we have arranged for someone to drive and pick up Deimos to take him back to Cali.


So if you didn’t read this all. Or if you did and still don’t see how Deimos and I got the short end of the Stick. I shell write a list here.

-Deimos has to leave because Shorty is human aggressive. ((so he has to be outside))
-Deimos has to leave because he ‘fights’ with Shorty. (( Many times people encouraged Shorty and Deimos to fight with each other.))
-Deimos had to leave because, well because he is Deimos, because he is a pit bull. (( this is like saying “Deimos has to leave because he’s black!” He was born his way, its not his fault.))

Despite my ‘opinions’ and suggestions, and people encouraging fights Deimos still has to leave. Everything is Deimos’s fault. Even though its clearly not.



Shorty Currently still lives with us and he's been better at getting social with humans little by little.

Deimos is now back in cali, although hes being passed around from family member to family memeber he seems to be having a lot of fun seeing new places -ect.

As for my boyfriends father (whom I later became good friends with.)

The father decided HE was going to keep one of the pups for himself.
Although I was a bit upset, they they wouldn't let me keep one, yet they kept one themselves I got over it. Because he ended having a really close bond with his 'stupid'new pup.

My boyfriends father died on June 19th 2009.
With in an hour Prior to his death he was heating up food for the dogs.
(( As he always would heat up the scraps of food for them ))

So even up until the last hour of his life his bond with the dog was strong.

After Dude's (as the pup was named)owners death the dog didn't eat for 2 days until we let him inside where he searched the house to find his master missing. Dude made his way back to where he lay at his owners feet for many hours and sniffed the ground where we found his body. He laid in the very spot and whimpered knowing his master would never return.

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