I can only manage up to eight, and that's heavy on the cheating and when I get annoyed, they die by flies! (Poor Greece ohohoho, can't even begin to count how many times he lived and died) X'DD
I use a buttload of 'boolprop' cheats and 'shift+ctrl' cheats. :D Boolprop makes the game lag a bit but I'm used to slow PCs aaaaand not unless you're sure about what you're clicking, it's best to leave the cheats alone.
I usually uh, operate with the Tombstone of Life and Death. You'd find all sorts of nifty options there like choosing who gets pregnant with who, speeding up the growth of the baby, killing a person, etc. (But I don't know how to do the natural mpreg, that's definitely interesting! :D)
I use 'maxmotives' to boost everyone's needs. LOL Those mods are sure cool! But after I've tried downloading a few and having my game crash, I've sort of had a trauma against them. =3=
Good luck thar man! :DD
None of mine have even came close to dying. Maybe America did once in a fire, actually...
How does one 'die by flies'?
I can usually manage mine okay. A lot of times they sit on the bubble blower until they're about ready to die.
I have this mod that comes in the form of a TV and you can quickly boost everyone's needs and all. I've used it a lot. :'3
Thank you ;D
I usually uh, operate with the Tombstone of Life and Death. You'd find all sorts of nifty options there like choosing who gets pregnant with who, speeding up the growth of the baby, killing a person, etc. (But I don't know how to do the natural mpreg, that's definitely interesting! :D)
I use 'maxmotives' to boost everyone's needs. LOL Those mods are sure cool! But after I've tried downloading a few and having my game crash, I've sort of had a trauma against them. =3=
Boolprop slows down the game? xD I always have it on so I can adjust my Sims needs accordingly.
is maxmotives something you type into the cheat bar or it a mod? If it's a mod, where can I find it?
I always have my boolprop open too, but since I transferred my game from the laptop to the desktop, the lag isn't as evident anymore. Haha!
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