Title: Heavy in Your Arms (7/15)
Author/Artist: Koren M. (
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were, there'd already be a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie.
Pairing: Clint/Natasha, Coulson/The Cellist
Rating: Adult 17+
Warnings: language, violence, eventually sexual content, dub-con if you feel that mystical/destiny sorts of compulsions qualify as dubious
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So Natasha finally opened up a little, if for no other reason than she can't stop herself. And the fact that the pull actually woke her up was genius. And Clint realizing how badly the pull is compromising their ability to survive...but still insisting that she not look at him as a job. Yep, fairly perfect.
While I like action movies, I do not always like reading action, whether in novels or in fanfiction. This, however, I quite enjoyed - a true and genuine accomplishment. :-) I think one of the reasons I liked it is that it served a purpose beyond "oh, let's play shoot 'em up now" in that it moved along the plot. Clint realized what needed to be done (and oh, yeah, bring THAT on!), and Natasha got to see that, in fact, her soulmate is a bit of a bad-ass himself (actually he's more than a *bit* of one, but we'll accept Natasha's small steps.) :-) It also showed how well the two of them work together. And that is huge.
One more note about our lovely soulbound couple - I am really, really intrigued to see how it plays out so that she doesn't run away from him (or at least it isn't for that long - pretty please!) LOL (It is so sad - I am SO invested!) I am guessing/hoping/crossing my fingers that it has to do with everyone's favorite handler, Mr. I Will Someday Go Find My Cellist Coulson. Because he is awesome. And I'll admit - I totally thought he was talking to Maria. But it's Bobbi??? Hmmm...and what, are she and Maria a couple or something? BFFs? Bridge partners? :-) Love, love, love Phil in this - and that file is of course what he needs to understand Fury and figure out how to clean up this mess.
Well, that was a book, wasn't it? But there's just so much to say about the loveliness! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the splendiforous update! You are TEH BOMB!!!!!!!
While I like action movies, I do not always like reading action, whether in novels or in fanfiction. This, however, I quite enjoyed - a true and genuine accomplishment. :-)
Thank you, so much! This, in particular means a lot to me, because I really, really dread writing them. They're probably my least favorite part of writing? (I'm much more an internal FEELS type of girl, you know?) So I'm really, really glad to hear that it worked.
Natasha got to see that, in fact, her soulmate is a bit of a bad-ass himself (actually he's more than a *bit* of one, but we'll accept Natasha's small steps.) :-) It also showed how well the two of them work together. And that is huge.
Yes, oh this, and finally and OH THANK GOD. I have been trying to get them to that point for five flipping chapters! (Uncooperative characters can be uncooperative. She is seriously impressed with him at this point - she's never going to be the one for effusive praise or a lot of words, but I think where she stops him and reminds him "look, you did this impossible thing" that, for her, is the equivalent of shouting it from the rooftops or something.
One more note about our lovely soulbound couple - I am really, really intrigued to see how it plays out so that she doesn't run away from him (or at least it isn't for that long - pretty please!) LOL (It is so sad - I am SO invested!)
Considering the gross-sobbing I've been doing over Off the Grid? Yes, I totally understand being invested! I hope things work out. There are some parts that I know, and others that I really don't (yet). I'm pretty sure I know what the last scene is going to be, but I've had characters change things on me more than once. Hell, this whole fic is because what was supposed to be "bring her into SHIELD, now lets have lovely soul-bond sex!" turned into "Fury has a past, and Coulson's got this thing, and oh, by the way, we're going to escape and go on the run!" Yeah. It was like that.
I am guessing/hoping/crossing my fingers that it has to do with everyone's favorite handler, Mr. I Will Someday Go Find My Cellist Coulson. Because he is awesome. And I'll admit - I totally thought he was talking to Maria. But it's Bobbi??
::eg:: That's kind of what I was hoping people might assume. It made it all the more fun to reveal who it really was. The lack of a name until the end was very deliberate.
Hmmm...and what, are she and Maria a couple or something? BFFs? Bridge partners? :-) Love, love, love Phil in this - and that file is of course what he needs to understand Fury and figure out how to clean up this mess.
I'm not sure how much will get shown in the rest of the story, but they're a couple, and have been for awhile. I'm not sure if they're married (I think figuring that part out would involve digging through international law and so on and I will tell you honestly I don't have the spoons for such.) And it's not a soulbond, it's just two people who fell in love with one another.
Well, that was a book, wasn't it? But there's just so much to say about the loveliness! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the splendiforous update! You are TEH BOMB!!!!!!!
EEEEEEEE!!! Thank you for such awesome comments! :D
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