HP: "A Happy Thought" and "Two Evils" by Kadollan

Aug 11, 2011 21:29

Title: A Happy Thought
Author: kadollan
Disclaimer: This work is a piece of fan-fiction that is intended for entertainment purposes only. Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy are owned by any number of people who are not me.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Rating: All Ages
Type: One Shot, Drabble
Warnings: Sweater vests and marmalade
Word Count: 100
Summary: Mmm, a happy thought.
Notes: Written for Round 6 of the dg_ldws challenge. Round 6 had two prompts. The first was: "Bite" and had to be exactly 100 words.

"Would you look at that?" Ginny murmured.

"Look at what?" Hermione didn't look up from her book as she reached out and took a piece of toast from the overloaded platter.

Across the Great Hall, Draco Malfoy was striding towards the Slytherin table.

"Mmm. I would really like a bite of that." Ginny did not understand how anyone could look so good in a sweater vest.

Clearly confused, Hermione looked down at her toast and then up at Ginny. "You could always get your own, you know."

Ginny laughed. "Now there's a happy thought. Pass us the marmalade, would you?"

Title: Two Evils
Author: kadollan
Disclaimer: This work is a piece of fan-fiction that is intended for entertainment purposes only. Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy are owned by any number of people who are not me.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Rating: All Ages
Type: One Shot, Drabble
Warnings: Boring Ministry cocktail parties and bad canapes.
Word Count: 499
Summary: Choosing between two evils wasn't really that hard after all.
Notes: Written for Round 6 of the dg_ldws challenge. Round 6 had two prompts. The second prompt was: "Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before" and had to be exactly 499 words.

Ginny shifted her weight as discretely as she could. Her new shoes were killer, but sweet Merlin they hurt her feet. She took another sip of her champagne and smiled at the man who was earnestly explaining... she wasn't sure what exactly. She'd stopped actually listening while he was talking about how the tariffs on imported Flying Carpets would do the Wizarding economy a world of good.

"And you can see that they would be far more practical for the young wizarding family with children. Broomsticks are clearly inferior, and the floo unreliable. I'm sure you agree, Miss-"

She smiled again and pretended to see someone she knew across the room. "Of course, Mr. Walberg. Perhaps you should speak with the head of the Department for Magical Transportation? I'm sure my brother would be fascinated by your proposal." Ginny was fairly certain Percy would be no such thing, but she rather thought he deserved a meeting with this man after the years of cauldron bottom reports he'd put them all through.

She made her excuses to Mr. Walberg and escaped into the crowd. Ginny really hated Ministry cocktail parties. She wanted to be at home in her bath with a glass - no make that a bottle - of a crisp Riesling. Add candles and a fit young man to rub her feet, and it would be a perfect night.

"Ginny. You look entirely too pleased. What are you plotting?" Draco Malfoy's smooth baritone startled Ginny and her little fantasy popped like one of the soap bubbles in that bath.

"World domination through the importation of airbourne floor coverings. Was there something that I could help you with?"

"Ooh, testy. Must be those shoes, which are divine, by the way. Say you'll finally give in and come away with me for the weekend."

"Explain to me how it is that a man who purports to be straight notices a woman's shoes?"

Draco laughed. "Two words. Narcissa Malfoy."

As he was talking, Draco linked his arm through Ginny's and started to gently steer her towards the door.

"Hey! Hold on there, you. I haven't said yes, have I?"

"Not yet you haven't, but here comes your earnest Mr. Walberg, and he seems intent on regaining your undivided attention. How about just drinks then?"

Ginny could feel herself wavering.

"Do you really think that spending time with me would be that much worse than another hour here on your feet, eating bad canapes and listening to that old bore?"

"Unkind," she murmured. Then she glanced over her shoulder and saw that Mr. Walberg was, indeed, heading their way. "Merlin, here he comes."

Suddenly the idea of having drinks with Draco was becoming more and more attractive.

"I find that when I have to choose between two evils, I always pick the one I've never tried before."

Laughing, and feeling a bit reckless, Ginny nodded. "Alright then. I think I fancy a Riesling."

She might get that foot rub after all.

authors:kadollan, fandoms:harry potter, length:drabble, ratings:all ages, pairings:draco/ginny

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