Title: Once there was...
jessofthebugsUniwerse (TOS/XI/AU): XI
Rating: All Ages
Drabble Author:
jessofthebugsDrabble Word Count: 206
Summary: A Chulu fic that will actually give you cavities
A/N: Pavel's story adapted from a Russian folk-tale:
Emelya and the Magic Pike. Translations are as follows: "Жил-был..." = "Once there was..." (Russian equivalent of "Once upon a time..."), "Павел" = "Pavel," "Я тебя люблю!" = "I love you!" Cakes are both Duncan Hines spice cake with homemade cream cheese icing. Beta'd by the lovely
secret-weapon. For the
st_respect Ship Wars prompt #5: Fairy Tales
Жил-был... A boy named Павел was very lost. One day when he was fishing, Павел caught a pike that talked. It said, "You must only let me go and say 'As the pike wishes, at my command' and I will grant you wishes." So the boy, being so smart, let him go and wished to never be lost again. The fish gave him a red suit and took him to a faraway place where there were many things to learn. Later, the boy traded his red suit for a gold one, saved the princess, and they lived happily ever after. Я тебя люблю! -Павел
Once upon a time, there was a noble knight named Hikaru who fell in love with an adorable Russian prince, even though he called the knight a "princess." They rode together through the kingdom to save the damsel in distress Captain more times than they could count and then lived happily ever after! Happy anniversary! ♥ -Hikaru
"My story is better. Fairy tales were invented in Russia, you know. Cinderella, Snow White - all Russian stories."
"You're making that up!"
"I am not. But even if I was, it would only prove that Russians are very good at telling stories."
Hikaru sighed, "I love you."