In a completely different vein...

Feb 21, 2009 07:44

I just did a massive friends-cut, mostly of people who haven't updated in a while or newer people I've friended within the last two years. Sorry, but I think I bit off more than I could chew with more than 50 LJ friends. Yeah, it seems like a small number by most standards, but the problem is that I tend to read on my f-list, and it doesn't help that I'm exhausted everyday from work. Nothing personal and no hard feelings. I apologize, especially to the newer people who had friended me only a few months ago. I tried to be a good LJ friend, but somehow, it has backfired on me.

Also, if anyone whom I didn't de-friend would like to de-friend me, please feel free. Again, no hard feelings from my side.

friends, public

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