Aug 06, 2004 16:32
oh god, where should i start?
like seriously, best day of my life.
ok, i'll start with why this is so good. seems fitting.
today was my driving test.
needless to say i passed, but i'm getting ahead of the story.
so april comes over today to just come over. she ends up letting me practice in her car parallel parking and backing up straight. so i had just pulled forward and stopped.
anthony calls me.
he said he was just callin to call and say hi and the like.
i asked if he wants to come over and he said nah its cool.
so i said i'd call him back and litterally two seconds later he pulls up along side us.
yay, he just surprised me and came over!
anyways, he let me drive his truck, aka-stick shift of death.
well i did pretty good, but then again i was never bad at stick shift.
then we come back and get out and i told him i had just eaten a sandwich, but he kisses me anyway.
we get out, or are out, and we're just standing there together and he tells me (the mississippi girl's name is Cara/Kara) that him and her are strictly platonic now.
platonic means just friends, in case you didnt know, because april and jessie didnt. *shakes head*
so i was thrilled about that. to no end. ever. ever. ever. ever. ever. ever.
then he tells me practice is at 7/7:30. thats cool, i'll hopefully be there. i'm nervous but excited.
anyways, then about 20 minutes later i am taking my driving test. i was nervous, so nervous that my ass was sweaty and my back was a pool of bodily fluid excretion.
but we stopped and i missed ten. she said i drove too slow. HA! lets see her tell me that when i'm passing her up on the freeway.
so yes, a re-cap:
i had a good sandwich
anthony wants to be with me for real
i am a driver
*sigh*, i'm thirsty.