Dec 16, 2009 08:58
I haven't made a progress entry in a while (Mainly cause no one understands or cares about them) but for whatever reason, I want to have some sort of documentation of my progress.
I'm starting to get much more consistent with stage clearing the really hard Banya Nightmares. I recently just got Blazing and Will O The Wisp last weekend. After clearing that, I really had an eye opener of how far I've gone. I used to think WOTW was literally impossible for myself to even get an A. Last time I tried it, I got 24 misses, stage broke, and just barely made it through. Last weekend I got 11 misses (Many misses in easy parts too from being lazy), stage cleared and still have plenty of stamina to keep going. I'm making Extravaganza NM and Pump me Amadeus NM my next stage clearing song for goals. Extravaganza is 2387432847239874x easier than Will o the wisp, X-Treme, Dignity etc but for whatever reason it really tires me out. I hate Pump me Amadeus but I got past all of the hard sections and stage broke on an 8th note run simply because I didn't feel like turning so I heel toed and got bads.
As of right now, this is a list of songs I want to work on (that matter to me).
Beat of the War 2 NM - Needs a Clear
Moonlight NM - Needs an improvement from 52 misses.
Witch Doctor NM - I doubt a clear will be I'll aim for 40~ misses.
Love is a Danger Zone 2 - CZ/NM Needs a clear/Improvement from a C
Canon-D NM - Needs an improvement from a C
Pump Me Amadeus NM - Needs a clear
Love is a Danger Zone NM - Needs a clear...although usually I get about an 800+ combo and walk off whenever I miss a note so I'm pretty sure I can easily clear this.
Winter NM - Needs a clear. I know I can do this, its just the ending is sooooooooo hard because it make you run across the entire pad >.>
Beethoven Virus NM - I really don't know, a clear would be nice I guess. I hate this chart so much.
Vook NM - I haven't ever played this yet, I'll decide once I do.
Csikos Post NM - I haven't ever played this yet, I'll decide once I do.
Bee NM - Needs a clear...though that might be asking for too much. I'm going to aim for mid 20's for misses.
Final Audition 1 NM - I haven't even passed this yet. A lot of people are confused as to why this is so hard for me but I have so much difficult streaming at 190 bpm while doing a lot of turning/cross pad transition. This song just kills me.
I can't think of anything more I want to write but thats about all I want to do for the Banya stuff. I'll worry about the other channels later.