Emotional Rant

Aug 31, 2009 22:00

So, I've finally finished editing this journal and layout to my liking. I feel utterly accomplished after having spent a good two hours looking for, editing, and clipping together pictures in photoshop for the layout background and banner (that's my hand-writing by the way, not font). The rest was simple HTML editing of a standard livejournal layout that I had lying around in a text document. So, yeah... that was fun.

Making the mood theme, however, was NOT.

Granted, now that it's done I feel better about it, but seriously, some of the emotions they have listed are simply not needed. For example...

Thirsty: If you're thirsty, stop blogging and -get a drink-. And if you can't get something as simple as water... Wherever the hell you are, you shouldn't be bloody BLOGGING.
I mean, if you're in a car or on a bus, sure... but if you're there, you should be driving, doing something else, or paying attention to where your stop is! If the bus has to stop or it's gotten hijacked, you shouldn't be ruddy BLOGGING about it, you should be texting someone for HELP or calling 911! I mean, what else are you going to say on a bus, anyway??
"I am on a bus. It is fun. There is a fat, smelly, old dude next to me. It sucks."
Crap like that is what Twitter is for, and once you're started using Twitter, you're hopeless anyway. No one wants to know when you've switched from lazing on your couch to lazing in your dinning room. As if MySpace wasn't enough for the stalkers... Now they really WILL know what the hell it is you're doing all the time.

Recumbent: I wasn't aware this was an emotion people felt strongly and often enough to post about. I mean, to each their own, but seriously... Must we know EXACTLY the emotion at the time? If you're a decent enough writer when it comes to your blog, I doubt we'll even need your little emotion thing.

Full: ...Full? Why on earth do we need to know if you're full? I mean, if you're reviewing some restaurant or talking about a meal you just had with a friend, I guess that's okay... But I really don't think an emotion like this is needed. If someone is so desperate for it, they can just type it in the 'other' box.

High: ...I really hope they mean 'happy' by this one, because honestly, I'm not sure you're capable of blogging if you're high. Although, thinking about it, reading something like that might be amusing. Who knows what someone duped up on drugs might write.

Flirty/Horny: As if the first one wasn't bad enough, they just had to go and add that second one. Honestly people? You've got to be a bit lonely if you're posting about feeling horny for flirtatious... or maybe you've just spent your time watching/reading porn, but I really can't imagine WHAT on earth you'd blog about in that case. Gotta be honest, I'm not sure I'd want to, either.
The point being, I'm not sure what on earth one would most for this...
"Bonjour, readers! I just thought you might like to know I'm feeling quite like  France right now and I'd love nothing more than to take you to my bedroom (or perhaps a nice gay-bar, oui?) and smother you. Even if I am simply nothing more than text to you, wherever you are reading this from."
Okay, so maybe it wouldn't be like that and maybe I've been watching/reading/roleplaying/writing too much Hetalia... But still, it would be somewhat disturbing (alright, slightly amusing) to see something like that.

And has anyone else noticed there are way too many types of anger to pick from? I mean, if you're upset. Say so. "I'm pissed." I think by the way you present your post or the subject manner should be enough to tell us just how ticked you are. I mean, "Irate" and "Irritated"? Seriously? We don't need both... If you're somehow more one than the other, just... say so.

In any case, I'm sure the only reason I'm ranting about my annoyance with the 130+ emotions of LiveJournal is because copying and pasting all those URL's and telling the demensions of each picture took too long. Maybe I should set my emotion for "bitter".

Pfft, nah... I am a bit tired after all that, and it is about 1 in the morning.

Still, I'm glad I finally got this place together. I'm proud of the layout, and I'm happy about how this all came out. It makes me feel pretty damn awesome, in fact.

Just not as awesome as Prussia. No one can reach that level of awesome... Not even Chuck Norris.


layout, prussia, first post, etc, random rants, hetalia

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