I have to say, for a meet that was sort of hap-hazardly thrown together, it turned out pretty good. We had a lot of people in cosplay, and a few non-cosplayers, but all in all, we had a lot of fun. More people showed up than expected, and we needed more than enough food for everyone (so I ended up sending extra cake home with Italia and Greece. XD)
And now, of course... PICTURES!
So the adventure started pretty basic. Russia, Hungary, Greece, and myself got to the Bubble Island first. Unfortunately, when we got there, the place wasn't open so we were forced to wait outside. Of course, figuring that we were walking all of 100 yards from the car to the cafe, I left my coat in Russia's car.
This turned out to be a very stupid idea.
Happily, Russia was willing to share.
Shortly after that, Lithuania and The World joined us, but I didn't feel like
coming out of the warmth of Russia's coat fighting Ivan when I tried to escape.
So we didn't get any pictures of that.
Our group was pretty small at first, but soon Canada and Greece discovered that Bubble Island had
Battle ship off in the corner. They seemed quite pleased at this and started a game with one ship each because so many
pieces were missing.
Canada won (and hid under his flag, I guess.)
Go Mattie!
Then the Italy's showed up! :D They brought a friend with them, too, who seemed really nice.
Their costumes were awesome, and I'm really annoyed at myself for not talking to them more...
I mad the cake, and it was decided that if Jesus were cake, that it would taste like that. I'm not sure why... but hey, it proves I'm that awesome.
Aren't those flags cute? I can see my mein bruder~
...And I'm not sure what Lithunaia is doing. Looks like (s)he's inhaling the Puppy-Chow.
Later, Greece pretended to be asleep, and Canada wrote on her forehead.
Not that I'm complaining, I thought it was an awesome thing to write.
She also drew a paw-print on her cheek, but I didn't get a picture.
A while after we got inside, Russia got hot and took his coat off. Looks like Ivan's a fan of Sonic.
I actually gave him that Sunflower as a late Christmas gift, but we made a pretty dramatic show of me giving
it to him as Prussia.
"Russia, I know how much you love sunflowers, so I got this one for you... ... ...Now stay the f*ck away from me."
:3 And I really said that, too.
I ended up getting chased and then hugged.
Canada, why didn't you save me!?
...I actually don't remember what we were doing here. But whatever it was we were doing, I did it awesomely.
It was shortly after we disturbed the peace laughed our asses off watching Hetalia Hell.
...West, I swear I didn't do anything to Italia. He just... looks a bit drunk.
But I had nothing to do with it.
At least the World looks happy.
There I am, being awesome again. Mattie was with me, too. We were awesome together.
I think dying his hair helped, because more people seemed to notice him. >D Good job, Mattie!
Panda was talking with us, too. ...Although I seriously don't remember what we were talking about...
These two spent most of there time near the table sitting in front of a bowl of pasta.
>D I bet they loved it, too.
...Alright, I'll be honest. I don't know if they ate any.
Russia and Hungary started a clapping game. Yeah.
Unfortunately, the bastard Russia won.
Even the Awesome Me could think of anything to say about this...
Later, we all joined in a game of... whatever it was we were doing. I was pretty awesome, too. I managed to get Russia out.
(Which is all that matters, Commie bastard.) The came ended with Romano and Mafia-Romano left.
...We're still not sure who won.
Sometime later, we all remembered the Insomnia Cookies shop that was down the street, so half of us headed out to go get some.
Russia, Greece, and I brought our flags with us to see how people would take it.
Italia brought his, too. (Is the World taking a picture of me...? Kesesese~ It's a good face, who wouldn't?)
A lot of people honked at us and waved. It was a lot of fun.
In a random window, Italia Romano ...Dammit, that curl kept moving!
Anyway, whoever the hell that saw tomato juice. It mad them happy.
We had to stop while kitty-boy Greece took a nap.
I bet he was dreaming about Japan... or is he with Turkey now?
We finally made it to Insomnia Cookies... only to find it was closed. It wasn't cool at all.
The Mafia tried to get us in, but it didn't work.
Guns are more effective than lock picks.
Since Insomnia Cookies were a bust, we went to Barnes & Noble instead. That was interesting...
We saw Christmas cards and decided to look at them. Mattie wasn't with us, so I took a picture of these...
(There were also
these for Finland.)
Greece found some he liked, too.
It is pretty cute...
And hey, look, there's that paw!
This was the Mafia's idea. I'm not sure what we were doing, but the people actually shopping didn't seem to approve of us.
...Lithuania doesn't seem too happy.
We also found this... Arthur better hurrt. America is for sale (and 20% off.)
It seems like an awesome deal. >D Maybe I'll make Prussia again.
I also had nothing to do with the book next to it.
Greece seemed very pleasd with his book.
Litunania found one, too. It was a, like, totally fabulous book about his boyfriend Poland.
...I wonder if it mentions pink houses or ponies that make unnatural sounds.
We were tempted to get this, too, but it was expensive they were all too scared to face my Awesome in battle.
Hungary found this game, too... We had a good laugh.
...I don't know what he's doing to my flag, but I feel violated.
When we were talking back, I saw an American flag and held mine up over it. I seemed to have started a fad, because
Italia, err... Romano did it as well. (Who wouldn't want to mimic someone as awesome as me~?)
Greece did it, too.
Russia brought cards, so a game of BS was started. I didn't play, but it was a lot of fun to call BS out at random points in time. >D I got several people to slip and admit they lied without realizing that it was me who said it until it was too late.
I'm just that cool~
Meanwhile, a rather intense game of Rock, Paper, Scissors was going on over here.
It seemed pretty violent for a hand game...
And then we went outside for some pictures...
Russia didn't seem to be paying attention...
Since West wasn't there, I had to keep Italia warm.
...I really don't know what the others are doing.
Lituania wanted to run at some point, but he stayed strong.
...Russia, you really are a creeper.
And then and epic battle was had.
Italia ended up stopping the battle before things got messy.
But I would have won...
For the record, I did shout for them to make out.
I think their reaction was better than any kissing picture we could have gotten.
Hey, even those not in costume deserve some love. They are pretty epic people. >D These three took a lot of the pictures,
although my camera was switched between the two on the left for the most part, I think.
The Austria who was supposed to come enver showed up, so I played with Canada instead~
... ... ... ... ...
...No comment.
Italia found a way to get on the roof, so of course, we all went up there.
After we came in from the cold, I died. Please ignore the blond Gernany-like hair.
People started throwing things on me out of respect obviously...
...Until I heard someone asked, "...So, does this mean we've all claimed Prussia's Vital Regions?"
D< I wasn't dead anymore after that.
The awesome and beautiful me.
...Uh, the sign was Mattie's.
I had an awesome reason for doing that, too. So awesome I don't remember what it was...
(God I love those contacts~<3 They look so natural.)
After spending a few hours at Bubble Island, we stopped by Italia's house for a moment to clean up.
Russia wouldn't stop trying to read out minds, though, so we had to protect ourselves.