You don't mess with The Sisko.

Jun 03, 2010 04:18

I've been watching alot of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine lately and I've come to realize one thing. You don't mess with the Sisko. Technically speaking you can mess with Captain Sisko and technically speaking you will regret it for the rest of your life; both precious seconds of which you have remaining.

I am sure there are people who don't watch Star Trek as amazing as that is. Let me explain in internet meme terms what Captain Sisko is. Imagine if Shaft was date-raped by Chuck Norris and they had a love child which was then raised by Batman; only Batman turns out to be a Terminator who taught the real Batman everything he knows. You've heard of Bruce Lee, yeah? Sisko is Bruce Lee to the 3rd power. That's right, we need to bring math into this to understand the Algebraic Equation of Badass Motherfuckery that is Ben Sisko.

Look at that glare. That's a warning. Whatever poor, dumb bastard he's glaring at just had a hole burned in his chest and his balls subsequently froze and fell off. His crime you may ask? Probably too much cream in the coffee. You don't want to see what he does to people that really screw up. You only affront The Sisko once. Once.

Let us put Sisko's personality in perspective. Nothing can shake this man-shaped container of stoic ass-kickings. This is a man who had his life ruined right before his eyes by the Borg; a race of cybernetic aliens who only view other species as living raw material to be consumed. Sisko was forced to watch his ship be blown all to hell as he and his son escaped. Oh, did I mention his wife was trapped aboard? If you can think of something more soul-crushing to do to a man than to take away what he loves and cares about most then well... you're one sick puppy and should probably be seeing a specialist or seeking a career in Republican talk radio. The Captain is a man surrounded by metaphorical police-tape and there is a very good reason that it says "Warning - Do Not Cross".

But after losing all that did Captain Ben weep like the New York Yankees after not making it to the World Series? No, he designs and builds a ship who's sole purpose is to blow the utter crap out of any and everything that even slightly irritates him. What did he name it? DEFIANT in all capital letters; this ship has a name that almost literally has two middle fingers to flip off anyone dumb enough to earn her captain's ire. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure it originally did have two giant mechanical middle fingers that only didn't make it to the final design in order to have more surface area to strap guns on.

I mean, look at the thing! It's basically a flying slab of angry metal with an engine glued on the back and every available flat surface has some kind of weapon mounted to it. Oh, and did I mention it can turn invisible? Sisko likes his foes to be genuinely surprised when they die. He tried doing it the old fashioned way but it's just not the same when they can see you coming! (That's what she said)

We could all learn a lesson from Captain Sisko. When life slaps you in the face don't turn the other cheek. Build a killing machine and go take it out on every jackass in the galaxy.

Question: Where is the most dangerous place in the universe?

Answer: In arm's reach of Captain Sisko and his fist.

It really isn't an episode of DS9 unless The Sisko delivers a Class 3 Regulation Starfleet Bitch Slap to some fool of an antagonist. There is nobody and nothing Sisko won't punch. Q is an omniscient, timeless being of such omnipotent power that all he need do to make his thoughts reality is snap his fingers. You'd think with such powers he'd have better things to do than punk humans. What does good old Captain Sisko do the first time he meets this extra-dimensional quantum version of Ashton Kutcher? Yeah, you guessed it. He grabs a being with god-like power by the collar and punches him right in the face shattering several layers of reality including the one in which Ke$ha's music doesn't suck and isn't the bane of anyone with good taste.

This is what happens when you mess.

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They say before you die you see The Ring. What they say is wrong. It's actually Sisko's fist coming at you blocking out the light at the end of the tunnel.
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