Meme - Questions

Nov 18, 2009 16:55

Ok, Here is ONE of the memes that I need to do. More to be posted soon. :D

Taken from

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is futile."

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

Questions from
spilled_notes :D after the jump!

#1: Why did you pick your usernname?

A friend of mine
rock_my_town used to say awesomepants to me as we logged off of aim and I liked it, it stuck in my brain and now I use it for everything. I think that's the story anyways. I have a bad memory. But she definitely used to say it to me. lol

#2: What is your main fandom and why? -

Supernatural is my main fandom at the moment. I've been a fan of the show since the first season and I just love it. I think it is one of the best shows on television at the moment, one of the best and underrated shows. The CW is busy promoting crap Gossip Girls and Melrose Place when they have a GEM already and they do nothing with it! grrr, sorry I went off on a rant but it makes me angry. Anways, its my main fandom bc i love the characters, especially Dean, and its a nice escape from the boredom of real life.

#3: Do you ship in said fandom? Why or why not?

YES. OMG YES. I ship in every fandom I have. I can't help it. I just see the romance everywhere, usually with slash goggles attached. ;) My ship used to be Dean/Cassie. I was a big fan of hers from the first season and always wanted her to pop up again. Then Castiel appeared in Season Four and I have never looked back. I actually did not view SPN with slash goggles at all and then a friend of mine, aloveaffair , mentioned Dean/Cas as a ship and it just opened my eyes. lol. They are such an epic pairing and so made for each other. I won't go in to crazy details because I could go on forever. But in short, I love them truly, madly, deeply.

#4: What is your default icon and why?

My default icon at the moment is an icon thisfishflies made based on a request I made on twitter. I asked for a panda with a shot glass and she drew a passed out panda with alcohol bottles next to her. Like fish said, pandas don't need glasses. they're hardcore like that.

#5: If you could put yourself in any fandom (TV show, book, movie, etc.), which one would you pick and why?

this is a tough question. I was a big fan of the Lord of the Rings movies and read my fair share of mary sues. I think I'd like to be in that fandom or world maybe not when all the craziness is happening but I've always wanted to be transported somewhere mystical like that. does that make sense? I just think it'd be great to see the elves, and dwarves, and wizards, and the beautiful land.

Questions from neierathima

#1: what character in any fandom do you think would be the most fun to work with? por que?

I think it'd probably be a lot of fun to work with Shawn Spencer from Psych. Sure he'd probably get on my nerves from time to time but it'd be an exciting job and he'd keep my laughing, which is all I can really ask for.

#2: If you could only write one pairing, and everything else had to be gen, what pairing would your pick? and why?

I'd have to say....Dean/Castiel. They are by far one of my most beloved ships and they are just so fun to write about. I don't think I'd ever grow tired writing about them.

#3: What book/movie/show do you wish had a bigger fandom?

Were the World Mine, I've been dying for some fic but there just isn't any out there. :(

#4: If you could have one cryptozoological pet, what would it be?

I'm going to be cheesy and say Unicorn. (we're going to candy mountain charrrlieee)

#5: (stealing spy's) If you could put yourself in any fandom, which one and why?
Lord of the Rings, bc I want to marry Legolas hardcore. ;)


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