ahh, i'm going to fail and yet i'm still here.

Nov 03, 2009 21:41

Three tests tomorrow!
Wish me luck, though i'm pretty sure i'm going to fail anyway. XD
Alright, whatever.

Oh yeah! Happy birthday to Ryo today~
He has just turned 25, i believe.
Ahh, we're all getting old.
I'm like 9 years younger than him though. XD

I just made this now. XD

So it's freezing right now.
My toes are like ice cubes.
I'm studying (or trying) for a humanities, US history, and English test tomorrow.
Well i've got the english down, since i had to write an essay for that.
But i'm definitely going to fail US hist. and Humanities.
And i have to write an essay in that class too?!
I think the US history test will be easier, since it's just a DBQ essay.
Still need outside info though, not sure what i'm going to do. D:
Well for the meantime, i'll just blog. (:
Cause that's what people do.

There was no school today~
It was election day. (;
No school next wednesday either for veteren's day.
Gosh, these americans are great. LOL.
Just kidding, they suck.

The sky was pretty again, two days ago. XD
So i took a picture of it before it went away.
(And it was completely dark after 2 minutes. :o)

Of course it was less epic though, since i edited a bit.

alright, maybe i edited it a lot.
the sky looks like lava in the edited on though, that's why i put this one up.

Oh yeah, i went to Manhattan with some friends on friday again~
I think i said this before, but there was a drawing of poop near the train tracks.
And if you know me well, i love drawing poop. XD

(click for larger picture!)
so yeah, i thought it was cute.

Alright, it's nearly 11PM and i have school tomorrow so i'm off.
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