Sep 22, 2005 21:01
"so it looks like im not leaving after all!" ugh everyones saying that but not me there making us leave the island (mandatory evacuation) cause there afraid that it might flood~ aghhhhhh i dont want to go.but we're going to leave to morrow morning if there s still a possible chance we might drown. so my mom went into town to get food and i wanted to go to hunan express so i was like ok let me no when your going so i can go too! and i fell asleep on the couch right well then the next thing i here is my mom coming in from the front door with bill miller and i was really mad cause i wanted to go and she said that she told me she was leaving but that i obviously didnt hear her. so i got stuck with eating a barbque sandwich with a bunch of fat in it ehhh it was ok.
~ she said that nothing else was open and that it was the only place that she could get food!! i dont believe her though. oh well so i layedd out today , decided to take advantage of the sun before the rain comes.
~ my goal is still not changing chelsea , im so getting darker than you!!
i have a headache and im tired and my foot hurts,wahhhhhhhhh!!
we had to go to my farm so that we could save our trees and greenhouse whatever screw the trees and our farm!!!
anyway kisses guys be safe !!!