Name: An Unexpected Visitor
Author: AG
Status: Complete
Rating: G
Summary: Michael gets an unexpected visitor.
Disclaimer: I don't own Alias or Burn Notice. I'm just having some fun.
Note: This is for Kerrykhat and Wolfie. You two get the full blame for my Burn Notice obsession!
Countless surveillance images were littered across the floor of his apartment. Most were of him but he could make out Fiona and Sam in a few. Seemed as though somebody had been keeping a watchful eye on his activities in Miami and for a moment it made him feel vulnerable.
“Damn, I knew you had an ego but isn’t this a bit much?”
Michael smiled; he knew her voice anywhere. He turned to see her standing in the doorway.
“Thought you retired?” he mused.
A grin traced her lips, “You know we don’t get to retire.”
Sydney Bristow
Retired Spy…?