I went to the Cleveland Indians game on Friday night, my first ballgame in about three years. I enjoy watching baseball live, even if I don't follow any one team the way I once did, and I didn't know any of the players' names until I got there.
This afternoon, when I was cleaning up the weekly hurricane zone of my bedroom, I found the program from the baseball game. I was just about to toss it out when I gave it a perfunctory perusal, and turned first thing to a really awesome article about
Justine Siegal (link to NYT article), who this year pitched batting practice for the Indians, not only fulfilling a piece of her lifelong dreams, but for her home team as well.
I was tempted to type up the article verbatim, which is my favorite of all the write-ups I've found, but I'm not comfortable about the legality issues. Anyway, there's plenty to be found about Justine in recent news articles, if you want to read about her life and her profession so far.
The story makes me proud for awesome women and proud to be a Clevelander (well, close enough) ;-) I thought maybe you all would get a Sunday smile out of it too.
On an interesting footnote that spans worlds of sports, progress in equality, AND nerdiness, it was Jackie Robinson night on Friday, meaning all the players were wearing the number 42. Can we nerd out over the fact that the answer to life, the universe, and everything was the number worn by the man who broke such a critical barrier for equality? ;-)