My vagina

Feb 26, 2010 15:01

Not for the faint of heart... i.e., this is a disclaimer. Don't keep reading if you plan on giving me TMI shit.

Weird vagina day ever for me! I got a brazilian wax yesterday, then several hours later, stabbing pains in my urethral region (which was not at all touched by the wax, but the tugging probably didn't help). Later, I almost had a panic attack because I thought I peed blood but turned out it was a side effect of some medicine I took... anyway, I got a prescription for a UTI which I'm pretty sure is what this madness is. And on top of all this, I'm performing in the Vagina Monologues tonight and tomorrow!!

That's like, triple vaginal coincidence. Nuts, eh?

And yeah, I finally decided to try a full-out wax. I got one of the visible-parts-only waxes in like, 11th grade... I mostly did it out of curiosity, but partly for insight into my monologue "Hair." Glaring irony turns me on. Anyway, I really like it so far... kinda surprised. But it feels different in a good way... not like the puffy razor burned way. I dig.

Anyway GAAAH tonight!!!
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