old myspace blog part 7

Jun 08, 2014 01:20

so today was actually a peachy day considering that i had to take my history final on my b-day....i think i did really well on it...um...i made lots of plans for wednesday to retake some tests and blah blah...so really just school plans...umm...ooo..i made a decent grade on my biology test that i took last week...so that was a good b-day present...i have english lit homework that i'm gonna whenever i get offline...this week is gonna be really stressful because its final exam time...wooo..then wednesday afternoon i get to throw my brain in the corner for while because i'm traveling to tupelo for the weekend..then sunday afternoon i'm coming home to find my brain and take my last final on monday...(sigh) all of this is making me feel..blah....

my holiday was fine and dandy until i hit a deer the other day...it was not a pleasant experiance..my x-mas on the other hand was fine...i got a new phone from my brother and its cool...well..hope everybody has nice new year..watch out for those deer..

when we were putting up all of the x-mas decorations..i dunno i kinda got a little sad...i feel like the holidays went by too fast...i also had the holiday blahs this year...i guess part of the reason was i didn't get to spend it with my slave..but at least i got to hang out with some friends...(sigh)..i'm loving the break from school and i miss school at the same time..i can't believe i hit a deer...its all a joke until it happens to you

i have no idea what the heck is wrong with my computer at home...so i'm seeking refuge at the ups store and using theirs..lol..(thanks punky)...so this weekend was okay..could have been better...my slave was supposed to come see me but he had to work all weekend...so i'm hanging out with my homies before i have to go back to school tuesday..like right now i'm waiting for punky to get off work so we go eat somewhere...hehehe...i hope this semester goes smoothly...*hugs you guys....

unnessesary change of the editions regarding the books
useless "projects" for classes that are simply a waste of time
the cost for said books
whoever deals with the planning of the classes and when they start
whoever came up with the grading scale for comp 2

i'm sure there are more annoying things that have been annoying me lately..especially since i started school this tuesday..these are the ones that have come to my attention lately...

well today was basically a not very good day...my dad is currently working really late at work because the mill is on shut down...so this morning he left me a note asking if i would record the daytona 500 for him and of course i would because he records gilmore girls for me on tuesdays....anywhoo..so i'm at annas doing homework because her computer works...and i go to check my email and the yahoo page is talking about daytona...so i fly up out of the chair and start freaking out and i speed all the home...to record whatever is left of the race....the race started at twelve ...i got home around 3:30-ish...so my dad gets to see the last half of the race....i'm just a little sad because i know hes gonna be disappointed...and he'll prolly think that i'm not reliable or something...(sigh)...this is why we need tivo...and my lovely brother and the slave weren't really helping anyway.....the slave just made me mad so i hung up the phone...i've come to notice that when my monthly visitor comes i get more irritated at little things and just get really really mad......i need to go back to bed....

i like the song islands in the stream...it takes me to a nicer time...you know they had fun singing that song together....my reasons for not really updating....a few blogs down i mention that my computer sucks and i think its sick...one of the weird things its doing is..whenever i update on myspace...i can't view it...i can view other blogs but not my own...but anyway..now that the excuse is out of the way...i'm so ready for summer...i am mentally exhausted...its getting to the point where i'm sure that my short term memory took a long vacation...and i'm doing more stupid stuff than normal....you may laugh, but i'm seriously freaked out...maybe i need more fish in my diet or something...i think i read somewhere that fish is good for memory...i dunno...anyway back to my current issue...i never write lists...like to do lists and such...because normally..i don't have a problem with remembering to get a few things from the store or what i need to pack for long trips...well...this weekend i'm going to olive branch for my brothers birthday..his fiance(sp) is throwing him a party saturday and i'm invited so i'm going...for the first time...i wrote a to do list...i know i'm shocked too..my classes are okay..i was surprised that my mid term grades were decent..minus algebra...now its all about keeping them..which i'm so desperately trying to do....and its all good...during spring break, i bought this really cute purse...i bought it cause i rarely buy things for myself..and when i do indulge myself...i feel guilty about it..don't know why but anyway...i bought a really cute purse..and when the slave came down to see me i was so excited to show him..i know he prolly did not care but he's a slave and he has no rights..lol...okay so later on during the day...it tore...and i was and i am still upset about it....of course that was going to happen...(sigh)...my new favorite show is celebrity home on the style network...i like the part where they go shopping at the antique stores for really neat stuff.....kinda makes me wish i had a house to decorate and stuff...anywhoo...i need something to drink...so good night to all....

so, i saw grindhouse last weekend with the slave, punky, and anna..and the movie was awesome...go see it..its worth the three hours...i've been really busy with the school stuff lately...its getting close to the end..sort of..and the teachers are throwing papers,projects, and extra homework at me so the only time i get on the internet is to look up information about various topics or i'm on cliffnotes.com trying to figure what a particular story is about...i made a another to do list...to help me figure out which piece of homework is more important and which one is due earlier than the others...yea..so its been fun lately..NOT..anywho in other news..i got new glassess...and i'm liking them...its just that the doctor informed me that my vision is getting worse..and that kinda worries me a little..and then on the other hand...it has been 3 years since my last eye check up...so..i guess i don't need to wait that long next time...(sigh)...*hugs everybody....

i don't like it when my foot falls asleep...its annoying and it kinda tickles...speaking of feet..i've been hurting my foot/toes a lot this weekend..its not pleasant....hmmm..i think i may be getting a cold..i'm not sure yet though..so this weekend is pretty much blah..i'm intentionally avoiding any kind of homework that i prolly need to do...oh well i have all day sunday...(sighs and smacks head down on desk)..i so can't wait for school to hurry up and be over...sheesh...

i've been sick with the migraines lately and that is why i've been mia....anywho..so the other day i'm riding with anna to do her errands, and in the middle of the errand running we decide that we are thirsty. we decide to go to sonic and get a slushi. i'm so psyched about the slushi..right..well guess what??!..the slushi machine broke...and that brought the day down......let down number 2: today, the slave and i are at the mall in jackson and we want a pretzel...the one we want is not available..i don't like it when people and things rain on my parade...especially when i've been sick for a couple of days...however, on the bright side i got to see sabrina and claire on tuesday..it was very fun..minus the headache...

last thursday was really cool..it was punky's b-day and we all had a grand ole time catching up with old friends and eating good food...my weekend was okay...i went to olive branch to help my brother with his yard sale..and didn't know that forecast called for rain the entire weekend...it kinda sucked...i came home tuesday afternoon...and didn't really feel like unpacking right away...yesterday, i cleaned out my car...and omigah did it need it...well..it needed a vacum anyway..i've been exercising a lot lately...i'm walking,doing sit ups, squats, walking, and swimming...trying to look decent in the bathing suit and helping myself out...i know i am way outta shape..anyway...thats all for now..see ya on the flip flop
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