Get out the way, yo way.

Sep 28, 2010 20:32

 Day Five: Six things you wished you'd never done.

(Honestly speaking, I don't regret nothing much. Cause I'm a 'que sera sera' person. But I'll try to think of something.)
1. Give up sports
Cause honestly, I gained a lot of weight these past few years. And to think I was so skinny last time... siiiiigh. Not that I don't like my CCA, I love it! But I should have exercised more... or my dad could have sent me to like boxing classes or sth (Uh yeah one pound gospel inspired me. WELL HAY EVEN A NUN BOXES OKAY! Well sorta.) I am in need of a gym partner/ jogging buddy for the holidays. Anyone interested?

2. Slacked off
And I just can't get back on the right path. (note: I am here aren't I?)

3. Stood up for people who shunned me
I don't think I know you anymore. I don't get why I said "Eh, she's nice okay" or "Excuse me, she's not like that, she must have had her reasons" And then you get high up in your head and you start getting further away. And now I don't know you, it was a waste of effort, standing up and trying so hard to not let your friends slip through your fingers. But some of them will eventually slip away. Leaving you wondering if they ever did the same for you, without you knowing.

4. Confessed to liking someone... anyone.
God, the embarrassment, the heartbreak, the teasing and all the effort I've put in to tell myself to just stop being so dumb. I'm just a teenager and I still have a long time for this thing called love. Crushes and infatuations are just plain stupid. Glad to know, I've stopped crushing on people. KPOP/JPOP ARTISTES DO NOT COUNT OKAY.

5. Screwed up my sec one life
Hahaha I didn't do illegal stuff, but I sure made some very bad first impressions/ got myself some haters. The whole emoshit thing didn't work out for me but oh well 8)

6. Hope that I'll ever fit in
I know I won't. Not with the cool people. Never happened, and never will. But I don't know, my ego's telling me I can be cool enough. I'm just waiting for the day everyone worships me wants to be my friend. I wonder what would happen if I actually got through to an entertainment company... Hmmm interesting. But for now, it's okay, cause I've got people who accepts me for who I am and I love them too. They know who they are. (Unnies, umma, dongsaengs, best friends... maids HAHAHA)

Lol yeah that was an hour worth of brain-digging. Maybe more O_O

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