Sep 12, 2005 13:22
man.. this corperate america shit sucks.. everytime i think i am making some progress, everytime, i think i'm gaining a littel responsiblity.. poof.. i realize that it was all a lie and that yet again.. i'm not being given any real responisiblity by one of my bosses and expected to have some by my other boss.. i got a short moment of glory to day when a customer liked my design better than my coworkers.. (whom keep correcting my work when i'm starting to think there are really no problems with it, she just wants to make me look incompetent, or to make me question my own abilites or something.. ) i laughed hard and loud inside ;) anyways.. i just want to stop feeling like, i have to really examine everything that is said to me by my coworker.. stop feeling like if i don't watch her close, i'm gunna get fired.. makes me wanna up this looking for a new job thing.. maybe find a job that i wouldn't have people trying to slit my throught as much at.. maybe.. i could try right? someone please lie to me and tell me it won't be like this forever..