Iridescence Legacy ;; Generation 2.4

Jan 02, 2013 20:06

+ 73 Photos

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
2.1 2.2 2.3

download an iridescence

When we last left the Iridescences, Karim finally got the son he had been hoping for. Two, actually: Hazard and Deceit, who are the second set of twins to grace this family. With six kids, things got a little hectic and motive failure ensued. Hope and Joy went to prom, with the former becoming prom queen and the latter coming home with a zombie possible future boyfriend. Gold grew up into a bitchy, anger-filled, people-hating little shit, while the boys demonstrated the perfection that can be found in the Y chromosome. Oh yeah, and Energy finally got to go back to work. YAY.

We start 2.4 with something I didn't know existed in the game:

Now, I'm fairly certain I read that inheritances aren't in the Sims 3, so I was really confused when I got this. Maybe it's due to one of my mods? I'm guessing Story Progression, but I have yet to investigate this. Anyway, I spent the money on a hobbies room, a hot tub, and a retardly expensive car that absolutely no one drives because they all fly around on broomsticks. I make excellent purchases, clearly.

Gold: Your move perplexes me, which is strange seeing as your head looks like a vegetable and your brain is about as functional as one.

Deceit: Bitch, please. Hate all your want; I'm still winning.

As Hazard is evil, I thought it'd be appropriate for him to mess around with the chemistry lab, since I'm sure he'll want that skill later on down the line to either ruin people's lives or take over the world. Possibly both.

Hazard: Stop narrating! This is a difficult process and you'll mess up my concentration.



Hazard: I TOLD YOU. This is your fault.

Probably, but I'm amused nonetheless.

Hope lives in her own little world, so I thought alchemy was best suited for her. She's the only one of my sims who is a witch and actually cares to do something about it.

She autonomously drinks her own potions, which will probably not be the safest thing to do with future concoctions, but hey.

Hope: Mmmm, tastes like sunshine and grapes!

You're lucky it was a Vial of Bliss, girl. I swear one day I'm gonna turn around and you'll be like, a vampire or throwing up or some shit :/

SHE MAKES THE CUTEST MAGIC DERP FACES THOUGH. Either that or the potion made her high; I'm not quite sure.

Summer derps a lot on the keyboard too though, so it might just be a genetic thing. Btw, she rolled the lifetime wish to become a rock star, so sad!me is going to have to make her switch to the guitar at some point. She loves the keyboard though, like a lot.

EEP! Another one!! I really have no idea what causes all them to come around; I just find them randomly on my lawn.

Anyway I got a pop up saying the adults won a free vacation, so I allowed the teenagers to throw a party cause dafuq not, right? They're surely responsible enough to do so. *coughs*

The first thing that happens is this girl rings the door bell, pisses herself, which then causes Summer to flip her shit. I wasn't sure why until...

Oh. Okay then. I don't know why she randomly turned after she peed herself; did she just get so angry that her werewolf tendencies got out of control? Idk, idk.

Suzette: Oh god, a cute boy! I hope he doesn't see me, cause I'm far too ugly to bask in the glory of his presence :[

This happened not too long afterwards though, so apparently it was a good thing that he saw her. Aw :] I HOPE THEY MAKE BABIES.

Joy: So I know you're like, a zombie and all, but I still think you're super cute SO HERE, HAVE SOME FLOWERS. You like them, yes?
Omar: Omggggg!

Omar: You're the most perfect woman I've ever met. Thank you for looking past my many deformities and occult issues, even though I'm pretty sure you just do so because you're desperate. Be mine forever?

Obviously she will, cause yeah she might be a little desperate ¬_¬ But it's fine, because she barely leaves the couch so she'll just have to take what she can get, lol.

Hope: Am I ringing? Do I have a tumor?? ...Oh, it's just my phone. *picks it up* Hello? Pizza Hut, is this for pickup or delivery?
Energy: Your fucking father broke the car and ruined my life so we're coming home. If the house isn't clean when we get back I'll hold you personally responsible and beat you with a ruler, okay? Okay. LOVE YOU!


I'm a douche, so I made the boys clean up lol. Although Deceit keeps rolling wants to clean so it's fine.

Hazard gets the pee puddle. Bahaha.

Hazard: When I rule the world, I'm outlawing urination.

Good luck with that, buddy.

Their hard work payed off though, because when Energy and Karim came home no one got yelled at. UGH, THAT OUTFIT THOUGH. I changed her work clothes in CAS, why is she still changing into it?!

Stop it. Stop it now.

This is Corrina, btw; Autumn and Coy's second child. I like stalking Autumn's life and it's going to make me sad that I can't stalk all the other children's lives once one of Energy's kids become heir because omg there are far too many :/

Summer: Sometimes I wonder why everyone in this house is so insane, but then I remember Grandma; it’s her fault we’re all like this.

Joy: Yeah, she definitely wins the cup in that category.

Karim: Nuuu, not again…! HELP! HELLLLPPP!
Joy: -Dad’s a close second with these aliens though. He really needs to quit summoning them; it’s disrupting our life. Can’t he see we’re trying to relax? It’s so rude! Like we’re actually going to play along with his little game and get up. Ha, not likely.
Summer: I know, right? He’s gonna end up late to work again. I swear it’s like he doesn’t have any self-control. Doesn’t he have anything better to do? I mean, seriously. I hate when people take the attention off of me, it’s so aggravating.

Guys, it’s not his fault! Come on, have a little sympathy for the man :[

Omg evil sims are the cutest.

Energy’s up to acrobat level nine, however somehow continues to embarrass herself on stage. Lighting her ass on fire? By far the best one to date.

Meanwhile, it seems Summer has made a friend! Or maybe more.

Summer: It’s a really beautiful night out, do you want to maybe sit with me under the stars for a bit? We can relax and talk about all those girly things you like, if you want. It could be fun, idk…
Krista: Yeah, that would be great! I like when we snuggle; you’re really comfortable.

Summer: So… you still dating Levi?
Krista: Yup.
Summer: I don’t like him.
Krista: I know. I don’t really like him either, but he’s pretty. Also his penis is bigger than his head, and that’s saying something.
Summer: …That’s disgusting.
Krista: It is a little bit, but that’s what girls like, right? So I guess if that’s what I’m expected to do, I’ll do it.

Bad reasoning, Krista. Look at Summer; clearly boys with big dicks is not what all girls like. Also, Summer is a snob. When she stops talking about herself for half a second and focuses on someone else, THAT MEANS SOMETHING. That girl needs to realize what she has in front of her.

Btw, Krista is apparently a fairy/werewolf hybrid, but I don’t know if her wings fail to show up because she’s both or because I have a conflicting mod. I have yet to meet any other fairies to compare, so idk. I should probably investigate this at some point, but I’m lazy so who knows if that’ll happen lol.

EEP! The rampant bitch is turning into a teenager :D

HOLY MOTHER OF HOTNESS. I like how she got Energy’s eyes but the rest is clearly Karim. She’s an actual mix, unlike the rest of the children.

Gold rolled hopeless romantic, which pretty much made me want to kill myself because I’ve already deemed her forever alone lol. Goddamn you, randomizer.

I let the boys hold a sleepover that day, as I needed them to make some actual friends lol.

Hazard: So, um… I like your PJs.
Jebidiah: *blushes* Thanks. My mom let me pick them out.

Hazard: That’s cool. I like your fashion sense, so do you maybe wanna help me take over the world one day?

Jebidiah: Really? Omg that’s so nice of you. No one ever notices me, so yeah; I’d love to be your partner in evil. That sounds like fun.

Aww :]

Poor Deceit though. The friend I hand picked for him was glitching or something because she was basically unclickable outside of "call over" and "stop doing that." -__- idk why. I spent quite a long time trying to get him to talk to her and it never worked out. Even when they both grew up I tried again, but no such luck :[


After the field trip the teenagers sat outside of the bistro and did their homework together. Which was cute, until…

WHAT IS THE EVER LIVING HELL IS GOING ON? Why are you smoking?! You’re not a vampire!

I just… don’t even know, you guys. I don’t even know, lol.

Meanwhile, down at the beach:

Hope: You’re very pretty, like a star. Except I forget what stars look like, but I’m sure they’re pretty so I just wanted to tell you that, okay?

Levi: You’re so adorable. I’ve been thinking about dumping Krista for you ever since you won prom queen, since I’m shallow like that. What do you think?
Hope: Omg, that would be so- wait a minute, how did I get here? I don’t remember. Shit, did I forget to wear underwear today…?

Levi: God, I hope so. Here, have some flowers so maybe I can take yours one day.

Aaaand Krista is officially dumped, leaving Hope to get deflowered by her new boyfriend. Oh, young love…


Also she got addicted -__- FML. I haven’t uninstalled the mod yet, but I’m getting close lol.

Krista: Oh thank god I found you. Levi dumped me, Summer! He just… he just left! I… I don’t understand; aren’t I pretty enough?! Why does this keep happening to me?
Summer: Oh, honey; it’ll be okay. Fuck him, he doesn’t deserve you anyway. None of them do.

Krista: …Really?
Summer: Really. Out of everyone in this town, I’m the only one who deserves to have someone as beautiful as you. You’re fucking perfect, Krista. And I was… I was wondering if you want to go to prom with me? I know you’re not technically gay or anything but I could probably sway you if you come to bed with me - I’m pretty sure I’d be fantastic in that area - and if you could just give me the chance I’d love to-
Krista: Omg, shut up and kiss me.

Fnjdskbgfhfgkb I LOVE THEM OMG.

Seeing as Gold rolled hopeless romantic, I thought it’d be good for her to try to find a date to the prom as well. What could it hurt, right? Famous last words.

Gold: You’re the least ugly person out of everyone in school, so don’t be a jackass and go to the prom with me?

Hugo: Are you legit right now? You called me a compulsive wanker with a tiny dick the other day. Why would I ever want to go with you?

Gold: BECAUSE I’M HOPELESS AND AWKWARD AND DESPERATE FOR LOVE! So just do what I say before I pound your ass into the ground, alright?!

Hugo: But I’m too fragile for such a fate!

On behalf of Gold’s personality I apologize not only to you, but to the entire town lol.

So Energy keeps getting these cool props but I can’t figure out how to put them on the stage before she performs :/ Although now that I’m writing this I’m thinking I could just put them in the family inventory maybe? Idk, I’ll find out later.


Deceit rolled genius and wants to be a chess legend. Hazard rolled lucky and wants to become the emperor of evil. Fitting.

Also, their features are pretty much all Energy. I was surprised since Karim seemed to be dominating in the genes department before now.

Stalking Corrina again xD She grew up too. Suzette also grew up into a young adult but seeing as she looks pretty much the same except with different hair I didn’t bother to capture it. I think she’s married now and expecting a baby? If I remember correctly. I forget who she tied the knot with though.

…What on earth are you doing, dude?

Oh. Doorbell ditch. That’s mature, lol.


Bahahaha wtf though. Like that’s not obvious in the slightest.

Anyway, Karim is up to Political level six and apparently now has to scam money out of people, so I made him throw a party for such a devious plot.

Karim: So yeah, like I said, if you donate thousands of dollars to my campaign, I can make you more attractive and you can finally lose your virginity. Whatdaya say?

Levar: I get to stick my dick in something other than a donut? I’M SO ON BOARD WITH THIS PLAN.

During said party, Deceit called up the next ranked chess player to compete against. However his genius failed him and he lost :[ Boo.


Hazard: Hey, Jeb? It’s your master. Meet me at the graveyard in fifteen minutes; I have important evil plots to discuss.

Hazard: -And we will steal all the jewels! It will be glorious, my little puppet; just glorious. We’ll be rich and finally able to fund my plan for world domination!

Jebidiah: There’s this blonde guy next door to me that’s rich. I think he even cuts gems. We could rob him, if you want.

Hazard: Omg you, my little firefly, are fantastic. I should give you flowers, but I’m actually really late for my father’s dumb party which is why I just spun into these awesome threads. Don’t I look hot? But anyway; you, me, flowers and shit one day, okay?

Jebidiah: Omg that would be so great, tehehee!

I love them to pieces ♥

More birthdays!

I love how they look so surprised, lol.

Joy rolled clumsy and Hope rolled social butterfly.

And hey, since the oldest are now young adults, you know what that means…!!

Who would you like to see lead the YELLOW generation?

As LJ has been having some problems lately (seriously you have no idea how long it took me just to post this), I’m going to leave the poll up a little longer than usual so hopefully everyone will be able to vote at some point. The poll will close Saturday, January 5th at 5:00pm EST.

THE POLL IS NOW CLOSED! Results will be revealed in the next entry.

family: iridescence, game: the sims 3, challenge: rainbow legacy

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