Apr 04, 2009 11:23
Some things I've noticed this week:
- The Crash is gonna make their farewell tour this spring.
- Linda Line is the only small-ship company trafficing between Hki and Tallinn. Super Sea Cat has gone bankrupt and Nordic Jet Line has moved their ships to Spain for better money.
- My toothpaste contains 3-(N-Heksadekyyli-N-2-hydroksietyyliammoniakki)propyylibis(2-hydroksietyyli)ammoniumdihydrofluoridi. Yikes! 8 years ago I probably would have been able to draw that monster, but not anymore.
- Obama promises to act to remove nuclear bombs from world. Wow. Gotta love that president.
- I saw a French-originated teacher I happen to know and she told how there is probably something green on trees in Paris right now. I felt very Nordic. (Kaisa, I plan to write my tips of what-to-see-in-Paris! You can't prevent me! :P)
Today is a crazy live music day. I just found out that also Pekka Kuusisto is playing today live in Helsinki, TWO gigs!!! :D Crazy. I guess I have to forget them, because of my tight schedule:
20:00-??? Wellu at D.D.R. (Dance Drink Revolution - a new bar in Kaisaniemi, which is partly a hair saloon, if I've understood it correctly... This will be the mighty Episode V, about 2,5 months after Episode IV.)
22:35-23:20 Rubik at Tavastia
23:45-00:30 Von Hertzen Brothers at Tavastia
00:35-1:20 Underwater Sleeping Society at Semifinal
1:10-1:55 Deep Insight at Tavastia
The Tavastia/Semifinal thing is the afterparty of a Music Export Finland's event, where there are tens of important music people from Finland and abroad. That's why the menu is so delicious. :P
Ok, now I should go and buy me some train tickets and reserve last Harry Potter to read and maybe visit the awfully crowded Stockmann yellow days...