Stripes and strips.

Jan 14, 2010 23:55

Yuushi, Kabaji informs me that the violin playing butler from Luna is hosting an orgy in your rooms. I am curious to know exactly when you started this side-business and whether my butler will return unscathed, should I allow him to attend.

Mizuki-kun, I am sure all the occupants of Luna are as delighted as I that Fuji-kun's kendo lesson this afternoon pleased you to the very great extent it did. However, do try and find an alternative ... helping hand ... next time I wish to take tea with Jirou.

This week, I have received 16 letters expressing undying devotion, four pieces of spangly underwear and a stuffed zebra in a tutu. This is at least twice as much as usual. I can only assume it is a direct repercussion of that magazine.

[ooc: Atobe walked in on Kite doing Mizuki while Yuuta was at kendo. Log pending~]

ohtori, jirou, kabaji, mizuki, yuuta, oshitari

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