Nov 23, 2009 23:34
The play was indeed an interesting project. I wonder if I should be concerned that my butler was cast as both the drooling nanny dog and the man-eating ticking reptile. I hope this dual personality does not mean that his next pet project will be a tiger cub. I suspect Yanagi-kun would purchase a church bell for the beast's collar, if the incessant bell tingling from the kitten's neck adornments is anything to go by.
Tachibana-kun, you made a truly precious pirate. Please reassure me you did not get to keep the sword.
Fuji, your performance was admirable although the concept of you requiring rescuing from a flying boy in tights beggars belief.
Mukahi-kun, assuming I am correct as to the origin of your costume, I would recommend sitting down with Yuushi and having a prolonged discussion about how he visualizes you on a daily basis.