Fairy Tale: The Prince Teaches the Glass-Hearted Woman Violin

Dec 13, 2011 13:14

Once upon a time...

A man and a woman were in love. The man was a Prince, glorious and bright, and the woman was a Glass-Hearted woman, cold and clear.

They had many obstacles to face but it didn't matter to them.

Long as they were together, they were happy.

One day, the Prince decided to give the Glass-Hearted Woman a lesson in violin playing.

Andrea gripped the neck of the Stradivarius tightly, her knuckles turning to the color of pale snow. She had never done this before, playing the violin, and felt nervous in venturing to new territory.

What if she wasn't good enough? What if she was horrible at it? Too terrible for words to even describe the noise she'll create. She had heard James play before and by Gods, James was an amazing violinist. Would her being unable to play make her seem less attractive in his eyes?

The idea of him no longer loving her much as he did was unthinkable, terrifying. Her grip tightened even more, her heart racing in her throat.

"Andrea! Please relax," James begged when he saw her death hold on the instrument. It looked like it would break in two from her powerful hold on it. "Loosen your grip just a bit. Don't strangle it like you're imagining your parents, Andrea."

She smiled at that joke, a cheap shot at her parents, and the tension that was building in her broke a little bit. Andrea relaxed, loosening her grip and felt the blood return to her hand.

"I'm so sorry, James. I really am. It's just I'm scared. I... I'm scared."

"Scared?" James leaned against the study desk and crossed his arms. "Why would you be scared?"

The young woman looked outside the window of James' office, seeing the snow fall gently to the ground. "You're so kind. Teaching me this as a birthday present but what if I'm not good at it? What if I'm horrible and I can't improve?"

It felt childish to say all of this, to whine and her burning cheeks showed it. But it was a relief to say it out loud, used to keeping her emotions bottled up.

"Oh, Andrea." James went beside her, hugging her close. He smelled like coffee and earth even if he worked as a businessman  reliable and comforting. "Don't think like that. You'll be great at it, believe me. You're brilliant at everything else. Why not this?"

"I never did this before."

"There's a time for everything."

He grins and goes behind her, his arms over her arms. His hands over her hands. His chest pressed against her back. Andrea could feel his heart, beating in sync with hers.

"Teach me that song." She leans against him, enjoying the warmth he gave out. "The song you play for me so I can play for you."

"Of course."

And he helps her play.

★ic, ✧a broken fairy tale, ♠Andrea C. Well, ❀the past, ☼Jameson Well

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