How am I?....Read the icon XDD

Mar 07, 2009 14:22

I had my jab in my right arm yesterday. My right arm is fine, a bit swollen, sore if I move it in the wrong way but on the whole, it's good.
My left arm, on the other hand, is having fucking sympathy pains or something.
In the exact same place but on the other arm it feels like I have been punched, really hard, multiple times....with a brick.
I can't lift it very high or move it because it hurrts.
On the subject of my jab though, I think it's really really....reeeeally bad that it took Jade Goody getting terminal cancer for women to start getting serious about their smear tests. I mean something has been found to help prevent a cancer and people don't take it seriously until a reality TV star gets it? That's messed up in my mind. My mum has always gone for hers on time every time, however since the news came out about JG my mum's friends having been running mad about them. 2 of her friends are late for getting their tests and so are now running around trying to get them.
Again, on the same subject, I think it's silly for women betwen the ages of 18 (when you have left college and so aren't going to get the jab) and 25 (when you are eligible for the smear test) are just forgotten about. I mean you can have the jab if you go and ask for it (and for free if you are under 19) but you aren't told this unless you deliberately go looking for it and so many women don't know about it.
I'm not entirely sure why we aren't eligible for the free jabs at uni seeing as we are in the most prone age group but whatevs.

Also, I made a trip back to the Library of Moria today.
WELL. There was a blowup there at the end of last year. One of the MOSt calm and cool (as in not agitated) people on the site went completely mental in one of the threads, getting all political then when he was pulled up on it he started throwing abuse at the mods and saying the forum was dying. Now I know that the forum has gotten kinda quiet lately, but for someone who has spent so much time on there religiously to say things like that I just find baffling. and the insults and things he was saying to the mods with the profanity and allsorts was just plain rude. I honestly didn't understand what was going on.

It was FREAKING weird. Like seriously, you probably don't know how weird this is unless you've read previous posts by this guy XD

Anyhoo, I'm at work and should /probably/ be trying to find something to do. I finished my main job, which is to redo the weeks registers for next weeks workshops.

OH I am still chuffed with my header :D Your opinions?
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