Only boring people are boring......BOLLUCKS. I am a thoroughly fascinating person....and I am bored shitless.
I got me a new thesaurus.
So for your pleasure and my sanity.
Here are some enthralling extracts.
*shuts eyes and opens to random page*
Maxim n. saying, adage, aphorism, proverb, motto, saw, axiom, dictum, precept, epigram.
Dashing adj. debonair
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I'm a huge Greek Mythology buff, too. =)
Finnee, proved wrong xD
I'm not a buff....yet.
But thank you :)
And no problem. =) If you ever wanna ramble about mythology, I am always open to it! O=
I thought I was being so knowledgeful xD
But it's all so fascinating. and so much more interesting than today's religions IMO.
I <3 It.
It really is - and what I really like is how much of it is still in our psyches, how many associations we automatically make that are taken from Greek (or, more often, Roman) mythology - likely from when the Romans conquered most of Europe. Today's religions are pretty interesting as well, though.
I do too. xD My favourite deity is Dionysus, though. =b
Dionysus? From what I've read he's a bit of a wanker XD....I ♥ much. And Athena. And I love the idea of Artemis.
But I need to go into it more.
I have actually just ordered a book from amazon, which I will read and then I shall be clever XD
Dionysus is basically the god of having a good time. xD God of wine, with connections to song as well. I also like Poseidon; Athena's a bit too stuffy in most myths for me to like her much. Artemis, I love as well. Once she was caught bathing by one of her hunters, and because she prized her virginity so much, she turned him into a stag and commanded her own pack of hounds to tear him to pieces.
Yes...but Dionysus is the god of madness as well isn't he....he had a talent of sending people mad xD
Artemis is awesome :)
I also like Apollo...I have a piece of Apollo based artwork actually.
I was just reading about Hephaestus, it's really interesting!
She is. XD For that one story alone. And Apollo's interesting on the surface, but the more I learned about him, the less I liked him, to be honest. Reminds me a lot of some people I know of whom I'm not overly fond. But his artwork is usually pretty well-done.
He is! Very much a little-guy-winning story. Aphrodite's beginning is very interesting, as well.
Really? I will have to look into him more..
Yes! He became very cunning as he went on.
I will definitely go look her up too!
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