Gosh! I am sooo happy. I just got off the phone w/ my Brookie! Gosh I love her to death! I'm listening to some tapes that I made back in like 4-7th grade! Its great lol! But yea I've been talkin to Brooke for like an hour and a half. I was on the phone w/ her before that and I gotz a beep and guess who it was!!!!! JESSE!!!!!!! Yea I let brookie go cuz I haven't gotten to talk to him since Sunday! OH MY GOSH he is sooooo sweet! He said that he didn't want me to think he had forgotten about me! We were talkin and he said "I don't care what we do, I just really wanna see you sometime this weekend!" Somehow we got on the conversation of him likin me and how I didn't expect him to. He said "Why would u think I would'nt like you? you seem pretty cool and you are VERY VERY PRETTY!" AwWwW! Just the way he said it was sweet! lol He told me that he likes me a lot! I really am startin to like him a lot, the more I talk to him. Yea I wanted to do be able to see him this weekend and he wanted to see me too sooooo he is gonna drive ALL THE WAY from Locust Fork to come get me Sunday morning and were goin to his house. I offered to meet him half way or give him
gas money and he was like "no its not that far I can come get you" Yea I was gonna do something w/ my pop tart saturday night and she was gonna spend the night but she hasn't called to lemme know if she can sooo...yea! I love my poptart lol!
I'm tryin so hard to find out what I'm gonna wear Sunday! I'm nervous once again! Yea Matt was trashin him out again tonight, makes me mad. Then someone said that he was just jealous. I thought that was funny...Matt...be jealous of something to do w/ me? NOPIE! Not true! It doesn't really matter though cuz I like him.
Welp...Daniel is talkin to me again. I am so glad cuz I have felt bad all week about it. He's really cool! OMG I got to see my Kim tonight and Ashwie Page! Matt got to be "Manager for the day" today! He's so funny! I got to work w/ muh PERKY! We did the make table together. I love him sooo much. He made me feel special too cuz he goes "I don't like you Audie!" I was about to get upset the he goes "I LOVE YOU!" I said "I know you do, I love you too!" Umm...I dno today was just great after Daniel started talkin to me again.
OMG!!!!!! Guess what happened to me. Ok I got home and I have this lil whole thing in my wall in my room that has somekinda pipes in it. Ok whoever built this house is an idiot. Who does that? Well ne ways it goes under my house...well I kept hearin something in my room yea I cut my radio off and looked at the hole and guess what I saw...A RACOON STARIN AT ME! oh my gosh it was sooo scary it just stared at me for like10 seconds. and I ran down stairs got shauna then came upstairs grabbed a huge spatula cuz thats all I could think of. I was gonna hit that thing in the head. Those lil things r vicious and have rabies. I'm not takin ne chances but yea it was gone when I got back to my room. I was freakin. Yea Jesse made fun of me cuz I grabbed a spatula. He said he could see me doin that! Heehee! Oh yea I forgot to tell ya that when we were gettin off the phone he was like "Goodnight, have a great day at work tomorrow" Then he said he was gonna come see me tomorrow and I'm sure he's comin to see Sonia too...that is his bestest friend. But yea I said "Goodnight and have a good day too" the he was like "Sweet dreams!" aww It was just sweet. I may be over reactin but I'm happy about it! I can't wait til this Sunday! I'm sooo excited! Heeee he said I am pretty, awww!