I have a little problem....

May 04, 2008 16:53

Well, 7 dates completed. Yowza! Friday we went to see the Rolling Stones flick "Shine a Light."  My mind is blanking on what we did the date before. Regardless, they both went fine, and this Tuesday, we might catch a baseball game.

But you see, I discovered I have a little problem.....I shared it with my friend Emily yesterday. Side conversations have been cut to spare you. And personal details about my friend have also been removed.

me: lol
9:36 AM ive discovered a man problem
  and its my fault
 Emily: uh-oh.
  with the israeli?
 me: yes

me: he totally likes me
  and I like him too. a lot
 Emily: that's a good start
 me: the problem is that I am totally shutting him out!
  and im not doing it on purpose
 Emily: well. THAT's a problem.

9:48 AM me: its like an unconscious reaction to all my previous experiences
 Emily: oh no!
 me: yeah
  because i totally like him
  and i think about him when im not with him
  and I want to see him more than just once a week
  and blah di blah
  but as soon as I get near him, i freeze uip
9:49 AM Emily: yeah, that does not sound good..... *sigh*... but what can you do?
  if you're aware of it, and still can't do anything about it
 me: I do it for many reasons. I start worrying about what i look like and worry that I'll lose another guy to the whole attraction thing
9:50 AM and he'll comment sometimes that I seem far away or distracted
 Emily: awww...
 me: the fact that he notices it is there the trouble lies
 Emily: have you told him your... "doubts"?
 me: because it means Im not hiding the insecurities well
9:51 AM thats the thing, im totally afraid to have a serious conversation with him
 Emily: maybe you should just talk to him
 me: for fear I will say something whack
  and I dont know why I have that fear
 Emily: well, you probably will. and if he really likes you, it won't matter...
 me: he asked me a question yesterday
  and I just laughed and didnt answer
 Emily: what did he ask?
 me: and he said, "you cant just mask it with laughter"
  and im like poop, he noticed
9:52 AM Emily: what did he ask you?
 ***deleted - sorry! to personal to post publicly***

9:53 AM Emily: you should just TALK to him!!!
  awww, it sounds like he's just really important to you - for REAL

the problem is, im pretty sure now that he'll stick around
  unless i fuck things up by remaining closed off
 Emily: you really just have to talk to him.
  TALK to him!!!
 me: i know
9:55 AM Emily: awww, this is distressing. distressing.
 me: because its totally not what i want. I totally want to be all super affectionate and baby baby blah blah blah poopity poop
  ive been wanting that
  that affectionate relationship
  the guy thats really into me that im actually really into
9:56 AM but ive just been burned so many times that its like a reflex. and its just fucked up that he sees it, so im trying to be more open
  he mentioned that I look him straight in the eye a lot more
  so I said, yes, I know, im getting more comfortable
  so im working on it...but theres still a long way to go

start now. start small. and tell him that it's going to be awhile, but that you're going to try.
 me: its weird. like we'll be in the car and he'll point out that i seem far away. and I'll tell myself "ok, stop it!" but then i dont
  haha but part of the car problem is i hate the way he drives
9:58 AM Emily: well.. tell him that!
 me: haha, so in that situation I was probably envisioning myself at home
 Emily: ha
 me: someone stole his GPS

me: so he uses his iphone as GPS, and a music player,, which is totally not safe
  cause he's always doing something with it
  and im like dude, put that shit down
9:59 AM 
 Emily: well, that's obviously not the root of the problem....
 me: and on the streets, he drives (compared to me) slow. im thinking i my head, speed the fuck up already
  but thats my issue - because in his world, he's just enjoying the journey
  which is something i need to work on
 Emily: haha...
 me: all this car stuff is just a side story
10:00 AM but seriously, we drove through silverlake yesterday....cars were going into the bike lane to pass him
 Emily: yeah, but you can tell him that too. it sounds like this guy is going to stick around, if you can just open up to him
 me: but he was the happiest dude because he said every time he's with me, he discovers some new part of LA...so he's taking it all in, looking around, enjoying the scenery
  and im like DRIVE BITCH
  in my head
 Emily: and maybe telling him things like "BIKES are going to start passing us" will be a small step towards telling him other stuff
10:01 AM me: lol
  thatd be funny
 Emily: aww. well he sounds like a nice guy.
  i would like to meet him sometime!
 me: if he gets caught up on his writing today, i might see him tomorrow. and we might have a baseball game on tuesday
  so Im trying to get better'
  and sometimes he talks in the long term
  which is a good sign
10:02 AM not the marriage long term
 Emily: yeah that is nice!
 me: but he mentioned something about his birthday - which is in september
 Emily: awwww
 me: so its a nice change
  even if we dont last until september
  its nice to be with someone who isnt just playing around
 Emily: yeah! it sounds like he's got a lot of good points
10:03 AM me: yeah
10:04 AM Emily: it's just scary, starting out and looking into the future, when you haven't had many good experiences in the past
 me: yeah, last time I had a boyfriend I trusted, he broke up with me out of nowhere because *********
 Emily: who was that? *******?
 me: yeah
 Emily: yeah, i don't understand how that can happen either - how, without any serious "problems" in the relationship.... how someone can just *******
  wtf? it makes no sense to me

me: so yesterday I woke up late. didnt have time to wash my face or do anything. I figured I should at least hop in the shower and shave. my hair wasnt done for the first time and I thought, oh shit, if the israeli and i really do get together today, this is going to be whack. i feel kind of manly when my hair is in a ponytail
  so i washed my face at work
  took some gum from my co-worker
  and hoped for the best
10:08 AM and he totally complimented my dress right off the bat
  and later told me i was really beautiful
oh, and that he wants to see me more often

and Im still freaked out!
 Emily: awwww.. that's nice!
 me: I know
  i blame ********

just kidding
10:09 AM Emily: haha... i can't say i blame you for any of this. it makes perfect sense, being insecure for that reason. because, seriously....

hopefully he can make you feel comfortable. and you can stop thinking about *******.
 me: the thing with ******* really hurt. 
10:10 AM and it isnt just ******* I think about
  i dont think about anyone in particular
  its just sort of a general thing
  like in december/january
  i went on 4 dates with this guy. things were going well, we got along great and then out of nowhere, he disappears into thin air
10:11 AM we both talked about ******
  thats a serious topic
 Emily: uhh.. yeah, i would think that's a serious topic
 me: so i *******
  and then - nothing
  i was like - hey dude, you out there?
 me: and he was, but yada yada....just up and decided to walk away from everything without a word I suppose

so its stuff like that
10:12 AM that makes me go, even after the great date we just had, he might just walk away
 Emily: yeah... it doesn't take much for guys to just lose interest. or, i think more than anything, patience!!!
  but it sounds like your israeli is a little bit more serious then the dec/jan guy
 me: yeah
 Emily: you just have to take him at his word... and talk to him
 me: which is why im trying to open up more
  because im finally being given what ive been wanting. how great is that?
 Emily: don't let your inner cynic get the best of you!
10:13 AM me: im working on it!

And then we went on and talked about other things. And so, it would be really unfortunate if I messed things up, so I am *trying* to work on this - it's just tough because I'm totally not doing it intentionally. Friday I literally am walking over to meet him, looking forward to seeing him and then as soon as we're in view of each other, it's like CLICK, shut down! I mean, I'm not an ice queen, but I don't totally relax either. So....I hope we get together on Tuesday so I have a chance to improve without stewing over this for a whole week.
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