Books Read in 2024

Jan 01, 2025 20:00

* = Bookcrossing-registered books (or soon will be!)
If they're not registered on Bookcrossing, they're probably library books!

111. England's Cathedrals by Train - Murray Naylor *
110. A Very Private School - Charles Spencer
109. Frog's Lunch - Dee Lillegard *
108. Glutton - Ed Gamble
107. Scatterling of Africa - Johnny Clegg
106. The Fuzzy Duckling - Jane Werner Watson
105. Finding Alice - Rebecca Johnson
104. Ayla's Christmas Wish - Pamela Jones
103. Never - Rick Astley
102. My Brother Jaz - Gideon Haigh
101. Elephants Can Remember - Agatha Christie
100. Gallop Off and Go! - Diane Wilmer *
99. The Impatient Glacier - Shaun Micallef
98. Rebel Rising - Rebel Wilson
97. Classic Cooking With Coca-Cola - Elizabeth Candler Graham & Ralph Roberts *
96. The World's Worst Riddles - Stan Roberts & Larry Sloan
95. Bake Australia Great - Katherine Sabbath
94. You Don't Have to Have a Dream - Tim Minchin
93. Flora - Tania McCartney
92. Waiting for Santa - Lucy Cochran
91. Come Rain or Come Shine - Kazuo Ishiguro *
90. Third Girl - Agatha Christie
89. The Invisible Leash - Patrice Karst
88. Don't Buy Fruit & Veg Without Me! - Thanh Truong
87. Dog Blue - Polly Dunbar *
86. The Little Street Library - Amy Adene
85. We Solve Murders - Richard Osman
84. Little Wombat - Chris Mansell *
83. The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side - Agatha Christie
82. Tarts Anon - Gareth Whitton, Catherine Way
81. Guess What We Are Doing Today? - Luke Springer
80. The Twat Files - Dawn French
79. Aussie Midwives - Fiona McArthur *
78. Ordeal by Innocence - Agatha Christie
77. Country Town - Isolde Martyn & Robyn Ridgeway
76. Hope is the Thing - Johanna Bell & Erica Wagner
75. Gymnastica Fantastica - Briony Stewart
74. Timeless - Kelly Canby
73. My Uncle Lives in Antarctica - Aimee Chan
72. Lachlan's Walk - Libby Hathorn *
71. Agatha Christie (Inspiring Lives) - Cathy Cook
70. Blue - Laura Vaccaro Seeger
69. To Hell And Back - Carolyn Pethick
68. A Murder is Announced - Agatha Christie
67. Back Roads: The Great Aussie Road Trip - Heather Ewart
66. Five on Brexit Island - Bruno Vincent
65. Five Go Down Under - Sophie Hamley
64. London: Through a Fashion Eye - Megan Hess
63. Finding My Bella Vita - Pia Miranda
62. Bizarre Books - Russell Ash & Brian Lake *
61. Rental Person Who Does Nothing - Shoji Morimoto
60. Taken at the Flood - Agatha Christie *
59. The Thing About Oliver - Deborah Kelly
58. $10 Meals With Chelsea - Chelsea Goodwin
57. Memoirs of a Jersey Girl - Elizabeth Kempster
56. Werner's Nomenclature of Colours - P. Syme
55. You Called an Ambulance For What? - Tim Booth
54. Being Henry - Henry Winkler
53. Sometimes You Have to be a Little Bit Naughty - Tim Minchin
52. When I Grow Up - Tim Minchin
51. Straight From the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
50. Finding Gobi - Dion Leonard *
49. Just Ignore Him - Alan Davies *
48. Loving My Lying, Dying, Cheating Husband - Kerstin Pilz
47. And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie
46. Your Time Starts Now - Julie Goodwin
45. The Little Refugee - Anh Do, Suzanne Do *
44. Sure, I'll Join Your Cult - Maria Bamford
43. Animal Architecture - Ingo Arndt
42. What I Cook When Nobody's Watching - Poh Ling Yeow
41. Tanqueray - Stephanie Johnson, Brandon Stanton
40. Raised By Wolves - Jess Ho
39. Feijoa - Kate Evans
38. Harry and the Dinosaurs Make a Christmas Wish - Ian Whybrow *
37. Anzac Girl - Kate Simpson
36. Clodagh's Suppers - Clodagh McKenna
35. Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge - Mem Fox
34. What You Are Looking For Is In The Library - Michiko Aoyama
33. The ABC Murders - Agatha Christie
32. The Bug Book - Dr. Hugh Danks *
31. Marlow Brown: Magician in the Making - Kesta Fleming
30. Château Reawakening - Tim Holding
29. The Murder at the Vicarage - Agatha Christie *
28. Jonah and the Whale - CJ Leonard *
27. Kayak Across the Atlantic - Pete Bray *
26. The Little Christmas Tree - Karl Rühmann *
25. Diamond in the Snow - Jonathan Emmett *
24. Lobster for Josino - Peter Morgan-Jones et al *
23. Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly - Jeremy Clarkson
22. Big Mouth - Matt Preston
21. Hair Love - Matthew A. Cherry *
20. Diddly Squat: 'Til the Cows Come Home - Jeremy Clarkson
19. The Mystery of the Blue Train - Agatha Christie
18. I Wish That I Had Duck Feet - Theo LeSieg *
17. Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet - Jane O'Connor *
16. The Dessert Game - Reynold Poernomo
15. Night Flying - Rita Murphy *
14. Yeah, Nah! - William McInnes
13. Hummingbirds - Megan Borgert-Spaniol *
12. The Secret Adversary - Agatha Christie
11. Lily and the Great Quake - Veeda Bybee *
10. Everyday Not-So-Crap Family Meals - Jessica Rowe
9. Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm - Jeremy Clarkson
8. Not Like Other Dads - Sean Szeps
7. Big Veg - Gerald Stratford
6. The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie
5. Bungawitta - Emily Rodda
4. 7 Days of Dinner - Adam Liaw
3. The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
2. The Tobermory Cat - Debi Gliori *
1. The Twits - Roald Dahl *


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