55 icons in a multi fandom batch. SPN and BSG are mostly challenges icons.
Please, if you got time, can you go HERE and answer to 4 little questions. Thank you !!
credit skydawnjade or awayfr0mthesun stay tuned for updates !! Comments are awesome Hotlinking & stealing are bad Textless icons are not bases, if you want me to add something just ask I don' t bite ;) Requests? Ressources
Primeval (1-5) (6-10) (7-15)
Alternates (A-E)
BBC Silent Witness (16-20) (21-25)
Supernatural (26-30) (30-35) (35-40) (41-44)
Alternates (F-J) (K)
Battlestar Galactica (45-49) (50-54) (55)
Alternates (L-P)
[15] Primeval (random characters) [10] BBC Silent Witness (random characters) [19] Supernatural ( random characters, including 3 Ten Inch Hero icons) [11] Battlestar Galactica (mostly Kara, but others too ;) )