Next on awayfr0mthesun

Oct 03, 2009 17:16

First of all I was accepted as a maker at magicmachine. I will still post here but Ill post there too. If I were you, i will watch the place there too. There are awesome makers there!

magicmachine magicmachine

And.. one of my friend, adina_mpj just opened her comm sick_muse_icons. She's highly talented and deserve all your attention!!

sick_muse_icons sick_muse_icons

Also... 2 batches will come soon: 100 Torchwood Children Of Earth icons and 20 Somersault icons. PLUS a little change: less fandoms per batch. Well not really but at least 10 icons per fandom per batch (instead of one or 2 icons per fandoms) Yay or no yay?

*mod post

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