Tell me a secret?

May 03, 2005 01:22

So there is all sorts of 'secret' talk going on lately and I'm not sure I like it. I mean i do enjoy a good surprise...but I also enjoy trying to figure it out and ruining it. lol I guess it is the detective in me. This is one of the reasons Danielle and I should start a Private Detective Agency...because I'm nosy and and she pays attention to detail. When you combine our stalker abilities we're unstoppable. But I digress...yeah so secrets...hmmm? I suppose I will have to wait and see what happens.

So this past weekend was a lot of fun and super busy. We had Salsa dancing on Friday night and I must admit that I was very surprised with Colin's dancing ability. I seem to have lost all of my coordination, bc if I remember correctly I used to be able to dance? on Saturday was played in the pouring rain. I got clotheslined and got the wind knocked out of me. I also managed to play both Hooker and Fullback? I'm not really sure how I pulled this off? It was alright though. Someone special came to the game, it made me super happy.

Theta Nu Xi formal was Saturday night, I only had 1 bruise to match my dress. Matt and I had an amazing time. He brought me a rose, which matched my dress, it was super cute. Overall it was a good night. I have tons of pictures, so if you're interested drop me an im and i'll send you some.

Ok so that is the quick update. I better get to sleep considering I only got 4 hours of sleep last night because of stupid Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Hope everyone is doing well...summer is just around the corner.
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