Sep 17, 2005 02:44

Dear Stupid boy who I am not in love with,
I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU. I enjpoye3d hanging outn with you this summer. It wqas nice to have someone to talk every day and other things, but it was the furthest thing from love. It really frusterates me how, you still call me every single nighnt and and come visit me at swchool, and then tell me i need to socialize at school and not think twice about you. NEWS FLASH! I never think twice aBOut you, ever. I just haven't met anyopne else yet. OI have never ever been in love before, but I was in extreme like once, and what we have/hbad whateber could never ever compare to that. I've had actual feelings before, and they were so so much more intense then the feelings i've ever had for you. Sorry if that makes you upset. Want to know what makes me upset? How you call me everynight, and then never admit that you are doing it because you like me and you miss me, you tell me you are doing it because you want to "ease me into a friendship". WELL GUESS WHAT? I've nevr been eased into a friendship before...I JUST CUT TIES. So fuck that if you want to ease nme iunto a friendship, call me like once a week and don'ty visit me two weeks into school, even if you have the weekend off. You say I just want to be friends wa wa waaa, but your actions don't ever match your words. You want to know what I've wished for every time 11:11 camw? To be in love. Real Real love, with real feelings. Someone who would always pay for dinner, who I would have to fight with to pay the bill for, and he would always win. Someone who I knew fvor sure wasbn't going anywhere. As cheesey as this sounds, somneone I could call minbe. But you were never like that. I never knew when you would feel like talking to me, and when you wouldn't. We always split everything 50/50, except one time at not your average joes in like June and the night before I left for schoolo. Dfuck tgat. When I lefty for4 school I was under the impression I wasnt going to get phone calls from you anymore, and that I wasn't going to get goodnight text messages anymore and I admit, THAT SUCKS because I liker knowing that someone was thinking about me, it was comforting. YOU WERE COMFORTING. BUTN STILL I WAS NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU. Remember when you toomk my viriginity and you yelled it me calling it fuckinbg? Obviously I am n ot in love with you if i called us having sex fucking. It's dumb because you wont accept the fact that i am not in love with you and you try to convince me otherwise. You tell me that you don't want to get hurt because you've been hurt too many times. WELL GUESS WHAT IVE NEVER EVER NOT BEEN HURT. So there. Fuck you. I told you not to call me anymore tonight, and we will see how long you can actually hold out. Honestly, all I want you to do, is admit that you like me and admit that you miss me, but that we can't be in a relationship because I'm at school. Instead of trying to be likje "i know you like me, but this just can't work out, you need to know we're olnly friends" if ity makes you feel good to think that I'm in love with you, whatevger man, I don't care, but you can think that on your own. I'm not going to help at all by answering your phone calls or giving you the OK to come visit me, fuck that. I was over this before it even began.
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