(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 22:20

today i woke up at ten and walked the dogs, then went back to sleep until like 12:30 or 1. then i called michelle and she came over. then we listened to music and i read her old lj entries, hahah with really cool voices. goodtimes, anyways, then we were bored so we walked all the way to kroger from my house..my toe was like bleeding the whole time because i tripped in my house before we left, and then we kind of got lost, and we saw a dead hedgehog, we left late and were freaking out, we dropped a frappucino and it broke, melissa shamoun wasnt home, no one was home, my hamstrings hurt because i ripped them, we got stalked, we found some houses where we decided that people got raped..and wowoow long story but it was fun i guess, haha, me and michelle are retarded. then we came back to my house, and my uncle don came for like 2 seconds because my dad didnt know where i was and he had my uncle check on us, wow thank god we got back in time. then we were looking at al the energy drinks online, then we decided to go to cvs to get some..so we did. i got some monster. wowoow i love that stuff. hhah then we were really hyper and we listened to both of britney spears first cds, it was great. then we listened to some aqua, wooo. i was so hyper, lol i was dancing around. THEN I DRESSED UP IN A SNOWSUIT hahah i forgot about that because i was telling michelle how "inappriate" showing your skin is. then me and michelle put paperbags on our heads but cut holes for our eyes and haha it was great, && you're jealous. then we played some sweet games online, then michelle had to leave =(. then i just went online and now i'm going running on my tredmill probably, and then a shower, because my feet are gross haha. wellseeeyouhottttties.

i misss you austin&& i love you so much. we're hanging out soon.

got from the wonderful melissa damitz

I am...(looks)
[ ] tall
[x] in between
[ ] short
[x] blonde
[ ] redhead
[ ] brunette
[ ] black
[ ] other
[x] blue-eyed
[ ] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel eyed
[ ] gold/gray eyed
[ ] glasses
[x] contacts
[ ] braces
[?] freckles
[ ] piercings
[ ] tattoo(s)
[ ] long hair
[ ] short hair
[x] med. hair

( i took out the nationalities, because i didnt know )

Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ] red
[x] pink
[ ] yellow
[ ] black
[ ] green
[x] blue
[ ] white
[ ] silver
[ ] purple
[ ] brown
[ ] orange

Some sports/physical things you have done?
[x] soccer
[?] cheerleading
[x] dancing
[ ] lacrosse
[ ] field hockey
[ ] hockey
[ ] football
[ ] volleyball
[ ] softball
[ ] wrestling
[x] gymnastics
[x] track/cross country
[x] basketball
[ ] baseball
[ ] golf
[x] playing in the mud
[x] playing music
[x] hiking
[x] kayaking
[x] camping
[x] horseback riding
[x] swimming
[ ] karate
[x] tennis

Your personality is sometimes...
[x] annoying
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] bubbly
[x] spazzy
[x] fun loving
[x] laid back
[ ] strict
[x] hyper
[x] weird

The music you like is?
[x] rap
[x] rock
[x] pop
[x] country
[ ] hip hop
[x] r&b
[ ] slow jams
[ ] christian
[ ] classical
[x] techno
[ ] oldies
[x] punk
[ ] metal
[ ] reggaeton
[ ] goth
[ ] latin
[ ] house
[ ] Old Skool Funky House
[x] emo
[x] alternative
[ ] blues

The pets you have/had are?
[x] cat
[x] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] rabbit
[x] fish
[ ] bird
[hermit crab] other

Clothes you like to wear are?
[ ] plain tshirts
[x] sweatshirts
[ ] stockings
[ ] boots
[ ] high heels
[x] sneakers
[x] jeans
[x] pj pants
[ ] boxers
[x] underwear
[ ] dresses
[x] mini skirts
[ ] long skirts
[ ] watches
[x] necklace
[ ] hoop earrings
[ ] toe socks
[x] flip flops
[x] halter tops
[ ] stilletos
[ ] band shirts
[x] shorts
[ ] shirts that say clever things

How do you like to wear your hair?
[x] down
[x] ponytail
[ ] pigtails
[x] messy bun
[ ] half ponytail
[ ] scrunched/curly
[ ] bun
[ ] crimped
[ ] with a bandana
[ ] French braids
[ ] lots of little braids
[ ] Gel
[x] Hat
[x] messy
[ ] Fohawk
[ ] mohawk

You're mostly labeled as?
[ ] goth
[ ] emo
[x] prep
[ ] punk
[ ] hippie
[ ] nerd
[x] ditzy
[x] hyper
[x] happy
[x] everything
[ ] I hate labels! I'm just me!!! ... bitch.
[ ] i have no idea
[ ] faggot
[ ] Thugged out

You eat?
[ ] dessert every night
[ ] no meat
[ ] diet stuff
[x] healthy foods
[x] junk foods
[ ] a lot of carbs
[ ] lots of meat
[x] salad
[x] seafood

Currently you are...
[x] in a relationship
[ ] single
[x] crushing
[ ] single and looking for someone
[ ] just broke up
[ ] screwed over

Online, you use:
[x] lol
[ ] sup
[x] =D
[x] lmao
[ ] stfu
[ ] ty
[JP -just playing- hahah michelle] j/k
[ ] ttyl
[ ] g2g
[ ] ^^
[ ] T_T
[ ] x_x
[ ] ^_^ (^-^)
[ ] wtf
[ ] none of the above

Did you like this survey?
[ ] yeah
[ ] no!
[x] it was ok
[x] it was something to do

Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Live in the moment?: most of the time
Think you'll get married?: yes
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Play an instrument?: nope
Believe there is life on other planets?: sure, why not.
Remember your first love?: i dont know
Still love him/her?: look above retards
Read the newpaper?: only the comics, because im cool like that
Have gay/lesbian friends?: i dont think so, haha.
Believe in miracles?: no
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? sure.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yeah
Like the taste of alcohol?: some
Fave candy?: i don't know
Believe in astrology?: nope
Believe in magic?: no
Believe in God?: yeah
Pray?: every now and then
Go to church?: no
Have any secrets?: yes
Any pets?: 3 cats and 2 dogs..and a fish
College?: im not in college
Major?: ^^^
Talk to strangers who IM you?: i ask them who they are, and if they are annoying i block them.
Wear hats?: yeah
Hate yourself?: sometimes
Wish you were someone else?: no
Have an obsession?: nope
Collect anything?: hm, i dont think so
Have a best friend?: yes
Wish on stars?: yes
Like your handwriting?: no, its sloppy.
Any bad habits?: yes, i cant name them at the moment though.
Care about looks?: yeah
Believe in witches?: nope
Satan?: um no
Ghosts?: nope
Trust others easily?: yeah, i just tell everyone everything because i'm retarded
Like noise? yes
Music?: uhmm duhhhh

First thing you think of
I see: blood ( i was looking at my toe which is presently bleeding, so dont think im weird )
I need: to get off the internet.
I want: you
I wish: i was rich
I love: austin
I hate: bees
I miss: you
I fear: death
I hear: the shower
I smell: nothing
I crave: monster ( its an energy drink, dont think im weird )
I search: your body haha
I wonder: about you
I regret: nothing
I cried: orange ( ok, it said the first thing i thought of..well thats what i thought )

Last time you.
Bought something: today. frappucinos, gum, caramello, tic tacs, monsters, starbursts..haha
Danced: today, haha me and michelle were listening to britney spears
Were sarcastic: im always sarcastic
Kissed someone: when i last saw austin
Talked to an Ex: yesterday or today
Had a nightmare: i dont know
Last book you read: gossip girls
Last movie you saw: sisterhood of the traveling pants..wow such a good movie.
Last song you heard: aqau - lollipop ..wowowo jealous?
Last thing you had to drink: monster
Feeling this moment: gross, my feet are dirty& my toe is bleeding. ew.

Band: dashboard / format / taking back sunday / something corporate
Show: uhh i dont know
Song: a lot
Sport: soccer duhh
Color: pink
Team: uh i dont know
Person to talk to online: anyone
Person: i love everyone

Right now...
[ What are you listening to? ] aqua - lollipop
[ What are you watching? ] the computer screen
[ What time is it? ] 9:52p
[ Wanna cyber?] haha ohhh yess
[ Hey baby, nice shoes... ] haha nice pants, can i test the zipper? haha im so cool.
[ What're you drinking? ] monster, duh.
[ Eating? ] nothing "i dont eat" haha
[ Got both hands on the keyboard? ] yeah
[ You sure bout that? ] positive
[ Who are you talking to? ] i'm not on aim
If you could...
[ Be anywhere, where would you be? ] australia, ive always wanted to go there.
[ Who would you be with? ] you
[ What would you be doin? ] i dont know

What was the last...
[ movie you rented ] White Noise
[ movie you bought ] hm i dont remember
[ song you listened to ] bowling for soup - girl all the bad guys want
[ song that was stuck in your head ] aqua - lollipop
[ song you've downloaded ] mandy moore - crush, haha.
[ cd you bought ] i burn cds, duhh.
[ cd you listened to ] my random mix that i just made, yay.
[ person you've called ] kim
[ person that's called you ] my dad
[ tv show you've watched ] real world..like yesterday.

When was the last time you...
[ Cried? ] i don't remember
[ Cut Your hair? ] a while ago
[ Wore a skirt? ] last week
[ Wore a tie? ] 6th grade for career day, woooottt.
[ Were mean? ] probably today haha
[ Were sarcastic? ] today
[ Went for a walk? ] today, i went on like 5 with michelle haha.
[ Met someone new?] today, yay, i really did =D
[ Said "I love you"?(and meant it)] today
[ Took a test? ] in school duhh
[ Hugged someone? ] today
[ Had a nightmare? ] while ago
[ Took a shower? ] today
[ Made your bed? ] wow like a year ago when we were selling our house, haha.
[ Went online? ] today
[ Thought about sex? ] i dont know

Who was the last person...
[ You hugged? ] my dad, right now. bam.
[ You instant messaged? ] julie
[ You kissed? ] austin
[ You had sex with? ] no one
[ You yelled at? ] my dogs
[ You laughed with? ] michelle
[ You had(have) a crush on? ] austin, what a hottie.
[ Who broke your heart? ] i dont know

What's the first thing you do when you...
[ Wake up? ] try to get back to sleep
[ Get in the shower ] get wet i guess? i dont know.
[ See a hot guy/girl ] be like "hey, you're hot"
[ Know someone likes you ] i dont know..be like "uh thats cool"

How many...
[ Times have you been in love? ] i dont know..
[ Times have you had your heart broken? ] uhh once
[ Times have you broken someone else's heart? ] i dont know
[ Boys have you kissed? ] a lot
[ Girls have you kissed? ] 3 i think, not anything drastic, im not a lesbian, haha.
[ Boys have you slept with? ] 0
[ Girls have you slept with? ] 0
[ Countries have you lived in? ] 1
[ CD's do you own? ] a lot
[ Scars are on your body? ] many
[ Different illegal drugs have you taken? ] 0
[ Friends do you have that you could trust with your life? ] 5
[ People who you consider your enemies?] 1
[ Times has your name appeared in a newspaper? ] 0
[ Languages do you speak? ] 1, haha i put 0 at first, im a retard.

001) What time did you start this? like like 9:15 i dont know.
002) Would you have sex before marriage?: yeah
003) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? no
006) Are you a player? ha no
007) Do you have any birthmarks? yeah
008) Have you ever gotten your arse kicked? arse? hahah. and no.
009) Have you ever beat someone up? no
010) Have you ever been slapped? yeah
011) Do you get online a lot? yes
012) Are you shy or outgoing? outgoing, but shy when i'm around people i dont know for the first time.
013) Do you shower? uhh yeah
014) Do you hate school? actually no
015) Do you have a social life? yeah
016) Have you ever lied to your best friends? uh yeah
017) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? hmm yes
018) Would you ever sky dive? yeah
019) Do you like to dance? who doesnt.
020) Have you ever been out of state? yep
021) Do you like to travel? sometimes
022) Have you ever been suspended from school? i dont think so
023) Do you want to get out of your hometown? yes and no
024) Are you spoiled? kind of, but not really.
026) Have you ever been dumped? nope
027) Do you drink a lot of water? yeah, i love it.
028) What toothpaste do you use?: crest =D
029) Do you have a cell phone or pager? neither, jealous?
031) Who do you look up to?: my sisters
032) Are you a role model?: i doubt it
033) What name brand do you wear the most? hollister
034) What kind of jewelery do you wear? my bracelet that my coach made
035) What do you have pierced? nothing
036) What do you want pierced? bellybutton
037) Do you like taking pictures? yes
038) Do you like getting your picture taken? it depends if i look like shit or not
039) Do you have a tan? haha no.
040) Do you get annoyed easily? if im in that kind of mood, but normally no.
041) Have you ever started a rumor? i don't think so..
042) Do you have your own pool? no
043) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? boxers
045) Have you ever played someone? no
046) Have you ever run away? yeah when i was like 7, and then last week i threathed too, lol.
047) Have you ever been fired from a job? nope
048) Do you even have a job? nope
049) Do you daydream a lot? yeah, yesterday i was and i ran into a mailbox, hahah.
050) Do you have a lot of ex's? not really
051) What do you want a tattoo of? a small black star on my lower back.
052) What are your favorite flowers? forget-me-nots..i just like the name
053) What does your ex bf/gf look like? uh i dont know i have more than one ex.
054) What does your most recent crush look like? hott
055) Are you rude? depends what mood im in
056) What was the last compliment you received? i don't know
057) Do you like getting dirty? i dont know, it depends what kind of 'dirty' you mean, hahah.
058) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? innie =D
059) Are you flexible? not really.
060) Could you ever be a vegatarian? yeah, i dont really get a lot of meat.
06l) last real heartbreak? i dont know.
062) Describe your looks? no thanks.
063) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? brunette.
064) Would you ever date someone younger than you? when im older, maybe.
067) When was the last time you went on a date? i dont know
068) How many rings to answer the phone? one, or two. it matters if im by the phone with caller id.
069) Do you look more like your mother or father? mom
070) Do you cry a lot? not really, i dont like to cry.
071) Do you ever cry to get your way? no
072) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be? haha umm my..hand? can you do that?
073) What phrase do you use most on the phone? i laugh a lot on the phone, if thats a phrase.
074) Are you the romantic type? uhh sure
075) What do you like most about your body? i dont know
076) What do you like least about your body? i dont know
077) When was the last time you threw up? when i had the stomach flu
078) In the opposite sex,do you prefer blondes or brunettes? it doesnt really matter
079) What do the shoes you last wore look like? slides..i guess thats what you would call them.
080) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? no
081) What about cleavage? nope
082) Is your best friend a virgin? yes
083) Have you ever fucked someone up? no
084) Have you ever been fucked up? no
085) What color are your underwear right now? pink =D
086) What size shoe do you wear? 5..or 6.
088) What is your screen name on AIM: awasteofcrys && ae millerrr ..but i mostly talk on awasteofcrys
089) How are you feeling right now? gross
090) When was the last time you were at a party? like a week or two ago
092) What time do you sleep in to? 11 or 12
093) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? oh yeah
094) What is one of your bad qualities? i make stupid decisions by myself&& sometimes i let people make decisions for me.
095) What is one of your good qualities? i trust too soon.
096) Would you marry for money? haha no
097) What do you drive? nothing
098) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child? i dontk now
099) When was the last time you cried in school? it was in like december, but nobody saw me but kacie, because shes cool. i was really sad that day.
100) What time are you finishing this? 10:19

it took me a long time, so you better comment.

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