April Noms - Completed!

Apr 11, 2010 16:45

Set out to challenge myself and not repeat any icon maker, plus use icons only from animes I have seen. Success! And yes, I have seen a few other series that aren't represented here. XD

Best Animation - Animated Icons
Any animated icons are acceptable in this category.

by chrislola

by spatzkind

by sodium

by windhimme

Best Text - Icons with an exceptional use of text
In this category, you can nominate any icon with legible text.

by ravenery

by d_a_z_z_l_e_m_e

by circuitously

by clymnestra

Best Textless - Textless icons or bases
These icons must have no text (tiny text is not allowed).

by quiesscent

by watermist

by royalbk

by isis2015

Best Color - Icons with an exceptional use of colour

by alice_rm

by ewanfan1

by koizumi

by dizzily

Best crop - Icons with an exceptional use of cropping

by sunshineraven

by allinye

by haine_asakura

by yamikakyuu

Best Funny - Funny Icons

by panicyo

by the_sun_is_up

by saturate

by orangeskirt

Best Emotional - Expressive Icons
Icons that move you - they can be sad, angry, happy, etc. The icon must display a strong sense of emotion.

by winged_requiem

by witchrae

by bodyline

by midnafeathers

Best Hero - Icons featuring heroes
Any icon that features a male protaganist (no villains allowed.)

by moon_hime

by haryan

by ch4ndler

by crazy_ride

Best Villain - Icons featuring villains

by margyydoodle

by its_adeathwish

by chocofeather

by tea_and_opium

Best Girl - Icons featuring heroines
Any icon that features a female protaganist (no villains allowed).

by nalazhar

by gaiasole

by yuna12

by starfieldsky

Best Friends - Icons featuring sidekicks

by kori_ya

by birthdaycake

by lunatic_shadow

by xdreams_of_love

Best Couple - Icons featuring couples

by lefthandpenguin

by dark_branwen

by akihito

by street_symphony

Best Texture - Icons with an exceptional use of texture

by tuxedobunny

by laury_kos

by silverzephyr13

by riseabovethiss

Best Out - Icons that don't fit these categories, but you love anyway
If your icon doesn't fit the above categories, put it here.

by anakg

by girlgamer

by kyoujaku

by heartwave

Best Special - Green

by kaelienl

by haldir_whore

by aniss_laura

by nebulasan


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