Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2024 07:24

Happy New Year! 2024 is a good colour year according to my synesthesia, so let's hope it bodes well.

Pax decided to cap off 2023 by eating a bunch of plastic, which was not cool. We didn't discover this had been done for several hours, however, and as he was showing no signs of distress, we elected to monitor him and, without going into graphic detail, everything passed safely through before the New Year. He has been given a stern talking to and I'm sure will reflect on his behaviour and modify it accordingly.

He also had an ear infection a few weeks ago, and I had to put medicine in his ears twice a day for a week, which was an ordeal. I have never felt like as much of a monster as when I was chasing him around and he would just sit down in defeat and go 'fine, do it', and put his little ears back and snort. No betrayal in history has been greater in Pax's mind than his very own Favourite Person torturing him in this way. I did it a breakfast and supper to establish a routine, so I wasn't springing it on him all the time, and even now, nearly a month later, if I do something around that time that he interprets as 'suspicious', he'll flee from the kitchen in anticipation. We've made up otherwise, however, and I actually think he's a lot more comfortable with being touched and handled than he has been. Which is good, because the vet told me I also need to be brushing his teeth, so that's a project we shall be embarking upon shortly. Yay.

Christmas was pleasant, too. It's sometimes hard to track your health day to day when you're chronically ill, but I can certainly see a marked improvement from last year in how much more energy I had and how much easier it was to get Christmas together. I didn't have the slump afterwards I usually have, that kind of depressed 'that was so much effort for one night' kind of feeling. I was tired, but not exhausted, so I definitely think that's a sign I've made progress. We got to my sister-in-law's family's thing and that was nice, and we had the kids for Christmas Eve and went to their place on Boxing Day, and it was a lot of fun.

I hope any festivities you celebrated brought you joy and your 2024 is prosperous!

scottie news, rantage and randomosity, misc./non-fic

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