*Mad Men theme plays in background*

Aug 16, 2023 08:46

Eeek! I get worse and worse in updating my journal. Here I am, though, alive.

It's been a rough time since we last spoke. Mum's chronic back thing is acting up mightily and I've been passing stones like a mad thing, and both of us had the worst migraines of our lives at different points, and even poor Pax had a couple of days of being unwell. We're not sure what happened, but he started vomiting at around 3AM one night and proceeded to vomit every half hour until 6:30, then stopped. Then he did the exact same thing the next night. Then he was fine and has been fine since. I can only assume he ate something outside and then ate it again the next night. It was very unpleasant and very concerning, but he's totally fine now.

Otherwise, things have been just...happening. Like normal. I've read a lot of books now that my brain is able to focus on that again. I've been writing a lot, just original stuff I don't know will ever see the light of day, but it's fun and I get to do lots of research for it. I do more research than writing, honestly. My brain is still a bit foggy for coherent narrative. We've also been very slowly working on getting my room redone, a project I've been trying to do for literally close to sixteen years now that just kept getting pushed aside with all the health stuff that's gone on. But I have a bed now! It's not assembled, but I have it! And a new mattress. And I'm working away at cleaning the room up and out to make space to get the old bed out and the new one in. Our whole house is kind of a mess, which happens when you're all chronically ill. I feel like we're starting to make progress, though, despite the health flares.

Dad has hyper-fixated on Mad Men, which is on Amazon Prime here. He started about a week ago, if that, and I think he's on season six now. He literally lies down in the afternoon and puts it on and watches it until the news at 11. Every hour, you can hear the tango opening theme play once again as the next episode rolls out. We got him a Roku for his room at Christmas time, and he's made very good use of it. It's cute, because he's not a guy who does fiction normally. Everything he reads is non-fiction except for John Grisham novels and everything he watches is a documentary or reality, with a few exceptions that are usually 'this is based on a real person'. He had a The Tudors phase earlier this year, and a Versailles phase. But this is the most I've seen him hyperfixate yet, and it's funny to hear him talk about it, because it's like he's never encountered fiction before. He likes it because 'they all have different personalities' and 'there are lots of situations and scenarios'. So, he likes that there are characters and a plot, I guess. It's very cute. Even if I have the tango stuck in head.

Anyway, I hope all y'all are hanging in there. Stay safe and cool!

scottie news, memeage, woe is me, misc./non-fic

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