Hello, all! I hope your holiday season is progressing acceptably, regardless of your preferred holiday or lack there of. Ours has been mixed.
Good news: we solved the bathtub situation by running a hose up the the laundry chute and it works well.
Bad News: it's a bit annoying to have to yell down the stairs to turn the water on and off and you have no control over the temperature once it's going unless you yell down again for adjustment.
Bad news: We had a massive windstorm and part of our fence blew over.
Good news: we still keep Pax in a penned area for his own safety, so he didn't/can't escape.
Bad news: we've got hella COVID cases here now.
Good news: still pretty low, like, overall. Just high for us.
Bad news: we can't gather in more than groups of five, so we couldn't go to my brother and sister-in-law's for her family's get together again, which we do enjoy doing.
Good news: There are exactly five of us in our immediately family, so in-person Christmas is still on (barring any emergencies)
Good news: There are now booster shots here
Bad news: They did that stupid thing they've done for all doses so far which is to announce an orderly roll by age group, wait a few weeks, then go 'vaccines for everyone!!' and let us all fight for them. Every. Single. Time.
Good news: I have fought and won! Dad got his today, and Mum and I are going next week. It only took me hours of refreshing and waiting in virtual queues! Do not underestimate my ability to patiently wait my turn. I will queue politely for hours, jerks.
So, all is copacetic, but slightly stressful here. Which is usual for Christmas. We are enjoying our specials and music, though.
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