Wedding Meme: Peggy and Sousa Edition

May 17, 2016 09:51

...because I'm just going to go ahead and assume they got married.

Who proposed? Daniel
How did they propose? When Daniel decided he wanted to propose, he used a business trip as an excuse to swing by and speak to Peggy’s parents about it, in London. He’d never met them, so it was something of an interesting visit of, ‘hello, I’m that guy that Peggy keeps talking about, and by the way, I’m going to marry her’. By the end of his second cup of tea, he’d won them over and left with their approval.

Back home, he took Angie and Jarvis with him to help pick out the ring; Angie to make sure Peggy would like it and Jarvis to use his considerable jewellery knowledge to make sure the quality and price were okay. They promptly took over the search, leaving Daniel trailing in their wake.

Jarvis: I don’t know. The stone isn’t well-protected, and Miss Carter’s work involves her, erm, hands. You wouldn’t want it to get caught on anything.
Angie: Yeah, but think how much it would hurt to get punched in the face with that thing.
Jarvis: That’s an excellent point, Miss Martinelli. Those sorts of rings do leave a mark. *distant look of pain*

In the end, Daniel found one he liked on sight. Angie approved it wholeheartedly, with a simple ‘yep!’. Jarvis demanded either the price be lowered or the stone be replaced with something comparable to it. The stone was replaced, and Daniel had a ring. Now he just needed a proposal.

It turns out trying to propose to Peggy Carter is really hard. She just kept not cooperating with anything he’d set up. It didn’t help there was a big case going on at the time, and he would have liked to wait, but the pressure was on as Peggy started to notice people behaving strangely around her. Like, Jarvis kept looking at her hands. And when she asked him why, he said he was concerned about nail fungus. Daniel agreed that was pretty weird, but when wasn’t Jarvis weird, right?

Finally, he gave up on anything romantic or grand, and literally took her by the shoulders one day, sat her down in a chair and proposed to her.

Daniel: *somewhat exasperated* Will you marry me, please?
Peggy: Oh! Yes, of course.
Daniel: ...really? God, that was easy. I should have done this six weeks ago.
Peggy: I’ve known you were going to ask for three.
Daniel Damnit!

Who stressed more over wedding planning? Peggy. Not because cared that much, but because she so didn’t, and everyone wanted her to, and she felt as though there was something wrong with her for not caring that much. Couldn’t they just go to city hall one day? Daniel was on a board for that, actually, but they both knew how much they’d disappoint the people who cared about them by eloping. So, Peggy started to delegate. Guests? Mrs Sousa is in charge of inviting Great Uncle Fernando. Entertainment? Angie knows how to find a good band. Oh, and her cousin knows a guy who caters! Fashion? Ana Jarvis is on top of this. She’s already drawn a dress! And a hat, just for fun. You don’t have to wear it.
Peggy: Mrs Jarvis, there is no question of me not wearing that hat.

Jarvis took care of the men’s fashion, the booking of venues (he knows people, and negotiated good deals), transportation, and basically every time Peggy mentioned something to him offhandedly, he’d have options for her the next time she saw him.
Who had the wildest bachelor(ette) party? Daniel. Howard was there. It was never clear if anyone actually invited Howard, but he was there. Daniel lost his leg at one point. Literally. No one could find it. It was gone. It turned up back at his hotel by morning, though, and no one died, so Howard thought he did a pretty good job overall. No need to thank him, just put all the damage on his tab.
Who freaked out before the wedding? Peggy. She was staying with Angie the night before, and woke her up to launch into a monologue, touching on various points including:
-I won’t be a good wife.
-I can’t cook.
-What if Daniel wants to have children right away and I don’t.
-What if I want to have children right away and he doesn’t.
-What if we can’t live together and only love each other because we don’t spend enough time together to know that we don’t love each other.
-What if this is terrible idea and I’m just not a person meant to be married.

Angie let her go at it for awhile, mostly because she was still half-asleep, before she told her it was 3:45AM, and to go back to bed and stop being ridiculous, obviously everything was going to be fine.
Angie: You two have faced down death together, Peg, you aren’t going to break up over whose turn it is to do the dishes.
Peggy: You’re right. Of course you are.
Angie: And if he treats you rotten, you call me and I’ll come and tell him off.
Peggy: *smile* Thank you. I’m going back to bed now.
Angie: Good. ‘Cause if I have dark circles under my eyes in your wedding photos, we ain’t gonna be friends anymore.

Best man/maid of honor: Angie was Peggy’s Maid of Honour, and did it with aplomb, thank you very much. Rose served as a bridesmaid, as well. Daniel had a friend from the army serve as his Best Man, and a SHIELD member as a groomsman. Howard noted it was the deadliest bridal party he’d ever seen.
Howard: Even the little actress chick can probably kick my ass.

What were the Bride’s Somethings ___ (if applicable): Peggy wore the same gold medallion necklace she’d worn every day for the last several years, for her something old. Mrs Sousa gave her pair of gloves for her something new. She borrowed a pair of earrings from Mrs Jarvis. And she pinned one of Michael’s medals under her dress for her something blue, and to have him with her. Her mother brought a sixpence for her shoe, even though they don’t do that in America.
If/what they wrote in their vows? They did the traditional vows. The minister accidentally made them overly traditional, putting the ‘obey’ into Peggy’s vows, then remembering she didn’t want it in there, and saying, ‘oh, sorry, not obey’. Peggy very happily promised to not obey Daniel.
Who cried at the wedding? Mrs Carter and Mrs Sousa. Two of Daniel’s sisters. Ana. It was dusty in the church, and Jarvis has bad allergies, which could be mistaken for crying, but he wasn’t. Really.
Which song did they have their first dance to? ’My Foolish Heart’. Daniel insisted for many months that he couldn’t dance, that it was too hard for him to coordinate holding a woman, using his crutch and making his feet work. Peggy told him to forget the crutch, and to rely on her, instead. It worked.
Where did they go on their honeymoon? Howard offered up his house in Nantucket for them as one of his wedding presents. The other wedding present was him working extra hard with Col. Phillips to manage at SHIELD without Peggy for as long as they could. They made it the full week! No one ever gave Howard the medal he felt he deserved for that.

character development, memeage

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