MCU Daemon 'verse Launch Page

Feb 08, 2015 12:24

MCU Daemon Verse
the verse where superheros have animal souls...

Pinboard for Visual References

Avengers Daemons
Daemons of Asgard
Minor Characters in the MCU


Jack of All Trades: PART ONE| PART TWO
(A factory accident, a medical conference, and an 'indisposed' nanny adds child-minding to Jarvis' list of professions for the day. Thankfully, he gets a little help here and there.) {Iron Man/Agent Carter, PG-13, 12,501 words}

Crossed Wires: PART ONE| PART TWO
(Tony runs away from school, leading Howard to realize just how out of touch he is with his son.) {Iron Man/Captain America/Agent Carter, PG-13, 13,869 words}

Baby Steps (Bruce and Nemi come to play at Stark Tower, and Tony and Mim make sure they feel welcome.) {Avengers, PG, 2,750 words}

Put it On the List (Issie ensures Steve lightens up a little during a visit to Stark tower, and Steve gets some new things added to his To-Do List, and experiences some things that weren't even on it to start with. ) {Avengers, PG, 5609 words}

One Step Back (An unexpected visit from The Other Guy puts a dent in Operation Friendship, but Tony and Mim make sure it's not a as big a dent as Bruce and Nemi think.) {Avengers, R, 6,642 words}

Scar Tissue (Tony is recovering from surgery, Natasha is recovering from a concussion, and Bruce is still learning how to be at ease in his new home. But people have scars, and that's okay.) {Avengers, PG-13, 7,868 words}

fandom: mcu, elements: daemons, launch page

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