Randomness of a Random Nature

May 25, 2014 17:11

I have a scooter! Of the electric bike sort. Dad found it at a yard sale last week and I had mentioned wanting one, and it was a really great deal. He made me go and try it out and then we bought it and I had a mild meltdown because I always do that when I make large purchases. And today I worked up the courage to try it out properly. I made it all the way around the block twice without dying! My wrist hurts from grabbing the handlebars so tightly, but I think I could get the hang of it. It should allow me to motor down to the shops in the neighbourhood, instead of asking someone to drive me, which will be nice. And I felt kind of badass on it.

In other news, I have added my daemons AU launch page to the sidebar, with a link to the portrait gallery (which now has Alec and Sarah added, because when I do something, I do it thoroughly damnit).

Also, Photobucket, just stop changing, okay? The more you try to make things 'easier to use' the harder it is to accomplish anything.

some days are happy days, rantage and randomosity, misc./non-fic

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