I was talking to my friend Emili yesterday over texting. you see, Emili and I don't talk on the phone, we just have deep conversations over text. I don't get it either, but hey. It works. Anyway, we were talking about trips we wanted to take. Emili loves to plan trips and I love going on them. She planned our NYC trip last year and she did a great job. In that conversation, she said, "We should make a bucket list". Referring to the movie of the same name, you see. So I went to the internet and found something similar... Which is "One hundred things in a thousand days". Obviously the point being... Make a list of a hundred things... Some big, some medium sized, some small. And you try to accomplish them in a thousand days. What a great idea I thought to myself. So I sat down and started making a list. Some of the things I came up with shocked the hell out of me. Become a certified midwife? An idea that I had been toying with for ages but never dared write down. Reach five hundred books scanned for bookshare? Well I've scanned 395 so that goal seems easy enough. Read all three of the lord of the rings books seems easy enough but reading all seven Harry Potter books, in Spanish, not so much, very intimidating. Being profficient with yoga seems doable, although for me, running a marathon does not. I also managed to throw some women's concerns stuff in: Starting a women's studies degree, getting involved in a women-centered community, and joining a chorus, preferably women-centered and attending Michfest. My religion is included: Attending a Circle on a major holiday either a solstice or equinox, and becoming profficient at herbs, although it could be argued a few more on the list could be included in that, too.
But here is the problem. My list is only at 33 things. Not even close to a hundred.
My list is here:
1. Read Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
2. Read Harry Potter series in Spanish
3. Take a yoga class.
4. Study to be a midwife, gain certification.
5. Travel to Canada.
6. Travel to Boston to see a Boston Red Sox game.
7. Travel to Europe, specifically Sweden/Norway/Germany/Denmark/Holland.
8. Travel to Mexico.
9. Become adept at yoga.
10 Run a marathon.
11. Learn a craft.
12. participate in a Circle for a major Holiday: Solstice, equinox, etc.
13. Go to a pro football game.
14. Join a choir, preferably a women-centered one.
15. Start a women's Studies degree.
16. Work at a crisis hotline, preferably for domestic abuse or sexual assault
17. get up to five hundred books scanned for bookshare.org currently at 395
I believe.
18. Do more cooking.
19. Find a job that fulfills me.
20. Go to Michfest.
21. Get involved in women-centered community.
22. Go see a symphonic concert.
23. Go see a broadway play.
24. Go to a poetry reading.
25. Go see a professional author do a book reading.
26. Get my book blog more publicized.
27. Hike the freedom trail.
28. Visit and tour Salem Mass.
29. Watch all of Alan Rickman's movies.
30. Read all books of the Bronte sisters.
31. Get and train my own dog. this is a pet, not a guide dog.
32. Become profficient using herbs.
33. Grow a garden.
Have you created a list, or know of people who have? If so, what were some of the things you included on your list? Any comments on any of the things I have put down here?
Curious minds want to know.