Happy 235th Birthday to US(A)!!!

Jul 04, 2011 01:04

235 years of independence? Who would have thought that we would make it this far? Especially in the dark days of the Civil War? With our determination and good fortune, our country emerged from that test of fire stronger and more determined than any nation up to that time, that the will of the people would rule. We the People are the government of the United States of America. We elect the policy makers and judge their performance through the ballot box. We debate the issues and the policy makers follow the will of the majority of their electorate or face the consequences. Yes, one might become a Senator or Representative of Congress, but there is the weight of history that humbles the most determined office seeker. Many have gone before you and many will follow you.

In our history, only once has an election resulted in major armed conflict-the election of President Lincoln in 1860. Every other election has been more or less peaceful and has led to the peaceful transition between political parties and figures. Many other countries can only look at our history and wish that their transitions should be so peaceful and orderly. We have local, state and federal elections every year-EVERY YEAR. How many other countries can claim that? Democracy is a bit complicated, noisy and messy. That said, it is by far the best system of government that has been created to date. We've outlived the Marxist, Communist, and National Socialist states that have risen in our 235 years. On this day, we recognize those who laid the foundation upon which this great nation was built, those who have defended this nation in times of conflict and those who are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Our allegiance is to the United States of America and it's Constitution-not to a person, party or belief system.

Happy Birthday to US,


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