Jun 08, 2005 11:09
full name: Jennifer Lynn
nicknames: Jen, on ocassion Jenny
age: twenty
birthday: december 20th, 1984
where were you born?: Rochester
do you currently live: Rochester
school?: Junior @ the University of New Hampshire
sign: Sag.
righty or lefty?: righty
play any sports?: did softball for 10 years.....would like to again someday
Eye color: green in the summer, blue in the winter
hair: dark to light brownish
height: 5'10
weight: HA yeah right.
piercings?: have had many...ears, cartilege, and eyebrow...don't wear any of them
shoes: flip flops and my walmart clogs!
describe yourself in three adjectives: sarcastic, pesimistic, passionate
are you more focused on yourelf or others?: when it comes to appearance I'm focused on myself....for everything else...others.
what is something you would rather be doing right now?: sleeping, HANGING OUT WITH TRACY! 22 more days!!! Spending time w/ Jonathan
do you have a best friend?: a few
have a current crush?: crush? lol
have you had your first kiss?: yes
made out?: yes
what do you look for in a guy/girl?: someone who can make me laugh. someone understanding and patient....and someone with nice eyes and nice teeth!
what do you think your best quality is: my personality
best physical feature?: ehh..teeth probably
paper or plastic?: plastic
do you like where you live?: yeahhhhhh, it's alright....
if you had to move where you you move to?: Haiwii
your favorite posession?: my pictures
what kind of music do you like?: basically everything....except rap
are you close to your family?: for the most part
are you enjoying this?: not really but I'm trying to kill time
do you cry a lot?: hahaha, yes I cry over everything, I'm sensitive
smile a lot?: not as much as i should
laugh a lot?: I try
eat healthy?: I do my best but I fail most the time
fav.food?: mashed potatoes....anything potato
fav. soda?: diet canada dry gingerale!
fav. non-carbonated drink?: crystal light lemonade and gatorade
any pets?: nope
fav.animal?: hmmmmm....fish but that's not an animal.....
fav.number?: twenty
fav.holiday?: christmas
fav.fruit?: strawberries and pineapple
fav.vegetable?: POTATO, corn, cabbage, basically anything but zuchinni
fav. quote?: a long one by Leo Bascaglia
vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla
pepsi or coke?: coke
mcdonalds or burgerking?: gross, neither
play or watch a sport?: watch college hockey!
dog or cat?: cat
kiss or hug?: kiss
sunset or sunrise?: sunset
i love...the beach.....and Jon Rourke!
i want...to be happy with myself
i need...to spend more time with friends
i wish...I didn't have to work to get money
i hope...things will get better
i feel...insecure
i look...to the future
if i only had a...new car
right now are you bored?: yes